by posting recently uploaded youtubes of t1 demos i triggered sperg rage on reddit

i could explain in detail groove's nocturnal passive aggressive jew lifestyle and relationship to tictac but im going to go get drunk as fuck

i'm sure you could make up all kinds of stuff but really what's the point

now i'm nocturnal? it's called west coast time mang.

i'm sorry if i was mean to you dare, really i am. let it go. being angry over internet shit isn't worth the effort you put into it, throwing jabs at me when i haven't even posted in days

i'd be glad to give you my current 323 phone number and you're free to call me and bitch and we can talk it out or you can fish for true things to make fun of me for or whatever

that's gotta be better than throwing random words around 'jew' and hoping you'll guess something right about me
srsly tho sorry dare, i hope u can 4give me 4 being a meany

im glad you can go out and get drunk, i thought you said you couldn't so that's great ;)

keep on keepin' on mang, i don't hold a grudge and you seemed like such a nice guy when we met up that time many many year ago
i'd like to think im more of a Kili

i'll scrap if i have to but really i just want everyone to get along so i can pay more attention to gettin in that hot elf bitch

i hope somewhere in peter jacksons archives there's a deleted scene where kili bangs tauriel all night

he'd be the true hero of the hobbit movies
NWS elf chick
