by posting recently uploaded youtubes of t1 demos i triggered sperg rage on reddit

so you are posting demos from a game that is almost 20 years old but it's not you that's the sperg, it's them. is this what we are saying?
who is this crab turd stalker? another napfag incarnation?

sad how some people take a simple idea posted on a forum so literally and attempt to troll with it.

man some of you really need to get out more.
just bcuz i mentioned a simple idea multiple times and requested actual detailed advice on it doesnt mean u should take it literal
I know torontonians are mostly retarded like u tic but did u really think ppl would pay u $90 a person to go to ur fuckin house and eat some food network special
i could explain in detail groove's nocturnal passive aggressive jew lifestyle and relationship to tictac but im going to go get drunk as fuck
i m gettin drunk 2nite

i will segway that in 2 drinking very early tomrow in preparateion for more college baskateball
i like grooves

tic tac needs to be reminded on a pretty constant basis how much of a fucking loser he is tho #nobully