Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

Florida AG Refers Bloomberg To FBI For Criminal Investigation After He Pledged To Pay Felons' Fines So They Can Vote In Apparent Attempt To Boost Biden

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that Bloomberg and his team had raised the money “to pay the court fines and fees of nearly 32,000 Black and Hispanic Florida voters with felony convictions, an effort aimed at boosting turnout for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.”

The Post added that “Bloomberg’s advisers identified that group as both likely to vote for Biden and more likely to vote than other groups of former felons.”

Oh ya, not all felons' fines... just certain races
deemed to vote Democrat
Seems kinda racist
But for sure against the law.
Another Globalist Hating Nation Corporation Exposed

Time Magazine Partners With Huawei To Launch Publication Aimed at Kids

The U.S. State Department also noted the Chinese Communist Party uses Huawei as an “instrument not only for making money but also for pursuing the Party-State’s agenda and fulfilling its strategic objectives […] deeply enmeshed in Beijing’s system of oppression at home and its increasingly assertive strategic ambitions globally.”
it's only 9 ballots
I'm sure that's all the cheating there is and we'll catch 'em all...
FBI Finds Discarded Mail-In Ballots That Were Cast for President Trump

I'm sure we have the manpower to do this everywhere
And look, it's our crack anti-corruption team the FBI....
How did these fuckers get in there so deep
damn it hurts
Americans call for the firing of FBI Director Christopher Wray after he downplays violent threat of Antifa | The Post Millennial

FBI director Christopher Wray, who downplayed Antifa violence and their organizational ability, is nowhere to be seen in the wake of massive civil unrest that saw two officers shot in Louisville last night. This led many on social media to call for the termination of Wray from his FBI post.

It's been 2 + 2 + 2 +
This cockroach will stick his head back up to fuck up when he feelz it. Get rid of this guy now!
and i thought he was going to say his ten years as vice president,,,
but he must be saying tenure, right? one never knows
alright alright,,, he's just making a joke, 180 years haha... just wants us to remember he's old,,, smart
yep, ya been around a long time bigon,,,, tell us all the things you've done.
i still can't imagine they're going to let biden get up in front of the nation for a debate tuesday

if it happens it's going to be the greatest tv event ever (minus show finale of M*A*S*H of course)
It's going to be an absolute debacle, embarrassing for all really.
This is abuse of the elderly and really should be stopped.

But I really want to see the highlights reel

also wtf tags? pygmy beach lol
i still can't imagine they're going to let biden get up in front of the nation for a debate tuesday

if it happens it's going to be the greatest tv event ever (minus show finale of M*A*S*H of course)

I'm preparing myself for a better speaking biden. I don't know what fbi drugs they'll take him off of, or what drugs they'll pump him up with, but the babbling Biden that says everything and nothing that can be held down in court, will probably take a backseat to a more coherent Biden for an hour or two to debate.
i still can't imagine they're going to let biden get up in front of the nation for a debate tuesday

if it happens it's going to be the greatest tv event ever (minus show finale of M*A*S*H of course)

Lets hope there's some truth to the rumor about the dementia medicine Biden is taking makes him shit himself. Would be fitting for progressive debate.
I'm preparing myself for a better speaking biden. I don't know what fbi drugs they'll take him off of, or what drugs they'll pump him up with, but the babbling Biden that says everything and nothing that can be held down in court, will probably take a backseat to a more coherent Biden for an hour or two to debate.

hard to imagine this scenario. there's just so many clips of him bumbling and stumbling through staged interviews. perfect environment and he still fucks them up.
being live and asked to respond on the fly to questions and to trump...i just don't see it
only thing i know for certain is that someone is going to openly shit himself live on television again

other than nadler again

it will be bitter sweet boomer music to our ears