Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

it finally happened

we have actual clone candidates as our "don't waste ur vote, keep on keepin on w/ the dempub complex" choice

Why do the democrats want to lose so badly?

At this point it seems very fishy.

What do they stand to gain from losing?

Must be something big...

I'll bet they will rage if they win by accident.
He Who Must Not Be Named
Who is whispering in her ear to MoveOn
I think some of the commentators like Tucker and Hannity are sincere, but FOX is still controlled...
'It is verboten...'

wake up and watch faces
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well, that didn't last long
the powers that be are stripping the internet as fast as they can
just go to youtube for it, ok

"Biden campaign: Hey, let's have Biden play a song about sniffing a woman's neck and whispering in her ear, what could go wrong?"
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Classic example of the duplicitous nature of the press:

Take a fragment of a moment, like a quote or an image, and frame it out of its context to give the impression of it representing something entirely different. In this case, something to present President Trump in the worst light possible.

hunter biden should be secretary of energy since he has a lot of experience running energy companies
Why do the democrats want to lose so badly?

At this point it seems very fishy.

What do they stand to gain from losing?

Must be something big...

I'll bet they will rage if they win by accident.

More than once I've wondered
as i often do
if I'm missing some new type of conspiracy collusion
going on between the parties
to consolidate the power,,,
and then i look at the crying msm/rinos/state depts/.... and think
naw, those are real tears of fear of being found out completely

that the two parties have always corruptly colluded
and God Emperor is above that
hunter biden should be secretary of energy since he has a lot of experience running energy companies

The biggest troll is that cael will actually vote
and vote for President Donald Trump and for true patriot Republicans

Thanks cael, for motivating the masses
We all do our part for the God Emperor Trump
More and Deeper
Why would any voter support this corrupt coup?

Say His Name cael!!
Oh wait, don't say his name
that would be antisemitic
says FOX News

what do you do when you have to call attention to yourself
point at the other guy and say it's his fault

I don't care what race or religion soreass is
he should be stopped like any other terrorist
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