Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

Labtop, USB drives stolen from Philly election-staging site

city election commission spokesman Nick Custodio..“We are confident that this incident will not in any way compromise the integrity of the election.”

“It is very, very common that a USB stick has a wealth of information that is related not only to the configuration of the election and its ballot — and the behavior of the voting device — but also internal system data used to validate the election,” said Perez. “In principle, someone possessing the information on one of these USBs could disrupt the opening and closing of the devices in polling places. They could disrupt how ballots are displayed on the screen and they could potentially disrupt counting votes on those ballots.”
An “insider” bent on tampering with the election would only need to alter a ...subset of ballot-marking devices to compromise voting, Perez said.
Wait, in a warehouse full of goods for loot, the only thing stolen is one labtop and an innumerable (they don't fucking know) amount of usb drives full of info to enable stealing of votes; sounds like an "insider" to me...

What's the word of the month? Integrity means nothing to see here.

In an emailed statement, Mayor Jim Kenney said police were investigating and “enhanced security” would be added at the warehouse. “This matter should not deter Philadelphians from voting, nor from having confidence in the security of this election.”

WTFuck you mean there was no video camera surveillance...Really?

Between Project Veritas and past election fraud shit brought up... Think we're going to have to make a thread entitled
How the Left is Stealing the Election Through Voter Fraud

'The Transition Integrity Project', (doublespeak cranked to 11) the left/RINOs, started this thing to steal the election during the confusion. TheNationalPulse and now others have exposed them, but sheeple will go along
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Raise Your Hand if You would give Free Health Care to Illegal Immigrants


They hear you Joe; They hear you.

Thousands of U.S.-bound migrants cross into Guatemala without authorization | Reuters

It is likely to face challenges crossing through Mexico, where President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has deployed the National Guard to the border with Guatemala and dispersed previous caravans under pressure from the United States.

Republican President Donald Trump has made cracking down on unauthorized immigration a key part of his platform, ahead of the U.S. presidential election in a month’s time.

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The Hero of the Left

The league is more hypocritical than the participants in Tuesday’s debate. Led by social justice warrior LeBron James, the NBA players who claim to put human rights ahead of their dollars are still earning millions from the Chinese Communist Party.

“No comment,” that’s how LeBron responded to the shooting of two police officers in Los Angeles.

On the other hand, LeBron is changing America — literally. His organization is texting random Florida citizens to pay for felons to vote (for Joe Biden) in the upcoming election.

How can you vote this way? What fucking douche-bags do you have to be to be able to vote for criminals bowing to the CCP.

NBA Finals Ratings Sink to All-Time Lows OutKick
Stop Being Stupid
FOIA being slow rolled, but info gets out...

Just before Obama left office, U.S. officials feared Hunter Biden firm in Ukraine paid second bribe | Just The News

Twenty-two days before President Obama left office, the U.S. ambassador to Kiev wrote top officials in Washington that she feared Burisma Holdings had made a second bribe to Ukrainian officials — shortly before a corruption probe against Hunter Biden's natural gas employer was abruptly closed before Donald Trump took office...The alert was the second in two years in which the embassy alleged Burisma had paid a bribe while Vice President Joe Biden's son served on its board...For more than a year, the Bidens, congressional Democrats and their allies in the American media have sought to portray the story of Hunter Biden's work for Burisma as a Russian-inspired conspiracy theory that had been discredited.

But the Obama-Biden era documents gathered by this news organization over more than a year under FOIA clearly show State officials believed the Bidens' behavior created the appearance of a conflict of interest because Joe Biden continued to preside over anti-corruption policy in Ukraine while his son worked for a company under investigation for corruption.

Article is much more in depth; what I pulled doesn't really tell all... go read.

If you don't recognize this person, then you're in the dark as much as the midget or too focused looking in microscopes and really shouldn't say anything about politics because you're just a useful idiot.
Portrait of a Traitor
This is to remind the Democrat/Leftests here:
The 'Trump has Rona hahabablahablha' thread
Is not your candidate's thread
This is your BIDEN
say his name say his name say his name

Stop trying to hide; come defend your choice.
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joe biden was the leader of a gang named the romans a position he earned after he beat the previous leader corn pop in fisticuffs
Well I'm just going to go ahead and believe you for a little while on that one.
Go Team Biden!
He's so,,, hmm what's the word,,,
oh ya Dreamy