best college clubs to join to meet chicks

actually ive had just the opposite experience

most of my friends wives/girlfriends hate me because my buddies use me as an excuse as to why they stay out late, try and cheat on their wives, etc

so they talk horribly about me and when i meet their friends they realize im not as bad as i was made out to be. the bar is set so low that all i need to do is have a pulse and im in

it doesnt work for everyone though
chicks make for the absolute best wingmen (wingwomen)

your smoothest buddy wont hold a candle to a chick who talks you up

meet some chicks in these clubs and make friends and go out with them. have them do the hard work for you. you kinda sound like a fag but you may even get laid if they do a good job of talking you up

While i do agree with this this - there is something better. My best friends brother is gay and girls go fucking wild for him. He isn't a flamer at all se we have him come out with us and he has literally carried girls home for us. Best wingman i've ever had
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

They key here is alcohol.

At that age, there's no reason to put in so much effort to try to score with a sober chick when you're living in a freakin' miniature town filled with viable females who are experimenting on how drunk they are able to get and have no idea what their limits are.

I have a wingnetwork of atleast 3 women and a few nightlife friends that are DJs, bartenders, bouncers and the club's owners in order to maximize the potentials of the situation

I then have the DJ focus the spotlights on me and do a dance across the club Saturday night fever style only better, then I drive a sport-bike motorcycle through the front doors of the club and just keep turning it around in circles, making a very loud and noisy spectacle of myself filling the air with high octane fumes, until I just let it spin off and crash in some random direction and then buy the entire audience a round of shots

this will allow you to maximize any situation
The problem I run into is that my university doesn't have really any clubs I'm that interested in. I like sports so I'll join an intramural team or two but other than that... ? I'm a grad student in CSci, so I have no chance of meeting chicks in any classes.
While i do agree with this this - there is something better. My best friends brother is gay and girls go fucking wild for him. He isn't a flamer at all se we have him come out with us and he has literally carried girls home for us. Best wingman i've ever had

I find this humorous
I have a wingnetwork of atleast 3 women and a few nightlife friends that are DJs, bartenders, bouncers and the club's owners in order to maximize the potentials of the situation

I then have the DJ focus the spotlights on me and do a dance across the club Saturday night fever style only better, then I drive a sport-bike motorcycle through the front doors of the club and just keep turning it around in circles, making a very loud and noisy spectacle of myself filling the air with high octane fumes, until I just let it spin off and crash in some random direction and then buy the entire audience a round of shots

this will allow you to maximize any situation
your dorm floor? i hung out on my buddy's floor (10 story dorm) and ended up dating a girl that lived down the hall from him

also no one closes their door and the girls walk around in underwear frequently... fuck i miss college
While i do agree with this this - there is something better. My best friends brother is gay and girls go fucking wild for him. He isn't a flamer at all se we have him come out with us and he has literally carried girls home for us. Best wingman i've ever had

gay friends are great, always have good looking girls around and will put a good word in for you
The problem I run into is that my university doesn't have really any clubs I'm that interested in. I like sports so I'll join an intramural team or two but other than that... ? I'm a grad student in CSci, so I have no chance of meeting chicks in any classes.
You're supposed to meet a chick in your class so you have the same interests. That's how doctors and lawyers match up, in their final year of grad school. Does your school have a lawyer or med school? That's where you hang out. Your goal right now is to make contacts that can get you a high paying job in the real world, the pussy will take care of itself. Do not stoop to some low life chick who dropped out or is just starting.
I have a wingnetwork of atleast 3 women and a few nightlife friends that are DJs, bartenders, bouncers and the club's owners in order to maximize the potentials of the situation

I then have the DJ focus the spotlights on me and do a dance across the club Saturday night fever style only better, then I drive a sport-bike motorcycle through the front doors of the club and just keep turning it around in circles, making a very loud and noisy spectacle of myself filling the air with high octane fumes, until I just let it spin off and crash in some random direction and then buy the entire audience a round of shots

this will allow you to maximize any situation
