best college clubs to join to meet chicks

your dorm floor? i hung out on my buddy's floor (10 story dorm) and ended up dating a girl that lived down the hall from him

also no one closes their door and the girls walk around in underwear frequently... fuck i miss college

I don't live in a dorm.

aren't you supposed to go to parties and stuff in college? :ftard:

You need to know people to go to parties and stuff. I'm a new grad student, I don't know anyone yet. That's kind of the point of this thread.
if you're a grad student you're going to be shut in doing professor's bitch work all the time anyway

grad students don't have friends, they just have people they see about once a month when they leave their rooms
if you're a grad student you're going to be shut in doing professor's bitch work all the time anyway

grad students don't have friends, they just have people they see about once a month when they leave their rooms


You need balance, that's what I'm trying to get.
No such thing as balance in a masters.

Bachelors weeds out the retards, and Masters weeds out the people who aren't committed and hard workers. Your reward is that ph.D's are easy as fuck.
I joined a club in college simply because they had a comfy couch which I could sleep on between long gaps between classes (commuting sucked).
Do something your interested in but also has a social aspect to it. Volleyball is probably the best choice, just don't suck at it.

Meet people and get invited to parties.
Get drunk, have fun, and meet random girls at parties.
Ballroom dancing club is great. I do this even today at the U of Md campus. Forget zumba though because all of the women in that class are overweight pigs.
Fun Fact: When I was a freshman in college (age 48), I lost my virginity to a girl I met in the "student life" club (I believe it was called student programming council). I left shortly thereafter.
I was never really big on joining clubs or anything. I mean I suppose if you have an interest it may be worth looking into, but there are easier ways to get girls. Everyone's said it, but parties/alcohol. Also, use alcohol to keep the party going. The line "Hey, I've got beer back at my place" worked for me countless times.

Also, it's cool to get in good with a girl and just be friends. I had a girl friend like that who used to just pimp me out to her other friends, it got me laid several times.
this is really annoying. all I do is homework, class, sleep. all by myself. I want to meet some people, but all the clubs here suck. fuck.

meet people in class that look like they don't suck as bad at meeting girls as you do. go do shit w/ em so that you get in good with them and then they'll start inviting you to parties and shit. if you can't fuck a chick at a college party then you're not gonna fuck a chick you meet at a club/bar.

also, weight lifting. even chicks that say they hate muscles, in fact, love muscles.
this is really annoying. all I do is homework, class, sleep. all by myself. I want to meet some people, but all the clubs here suck. fuck.

If you acted like some sort of super cool awesome dude around here I would be fucking your shit up right now

with that said at least you understand and accept your shitty situation

so here's how to fix it:

1) go to class. meet person who isn't creepy or a total loser. hopefully lives in dorm.
2) befriend
3) when friend says "hey we're having a party you in?" or "hey we're going to a movie you want to come?" or "hey we are having an event, yes?" you reply "yes"
4) go to dorm party/movie/event
5) meet like 10 new people
6) branch out

the problem is befriending someone well enough to have them invite you to shit

but if you're not a total lameass wet blanket it should be easy, it just takes time
Join a club that is specific to your department... Although most people that go there are tools, your likely to find a few that share your interest, level of intellect, and down to go out for a drink. From there just branch out to their friends and friends of friends and so on. I'm in grad school and it worked for me, but I agree with Obibun its definitely hard to find the time to socialize when knee deep in research papers and bending over for professors.
If you acted like some sort of super cool awesome dude around here I would be fucking your shit up right now

with that said at least you understand and accept your shitty situation

so here's how to fix it:

1) go to class. meet person who isn't creepy or a total loser. hopefully lives in dorm.
2) befriend
3) when friend says "hey we're having a party you in?" or "hey we're going to a movie you want to come?" or "hey we are having an event, yes?" you reply "yes"
4) go to dorm party/movie/event
5) meet like 10 new people
6) branch out

the problem is befriending someone well enough to have them invite you to shit

but if you're not a total lameass wet blanket it should be easy, it just takes time

thanks for repeating what i said. at least you elaborated better than i did.
yeah I didn't read yours til after I posted mine, and by then it was too late

also I can't believe I had to explain "how to make friends" as though it's some sort of difficult concept

the internet never ceases to amaze
Join a club that is specific to your department... Although most people that go there are tools, your likely to find a few that share your interest, level of intellect, and down to go out for a drink. From there just branch out to their friends and friends of friends and so on. I'm in grad school and it worked for me, but I agree with Obibun its definitely hard to find the time to socialize when knee deep in research papers and bending over for professors.

thats the problem. we don't want him to meet people who are exactly like him. then we have to explain to 5 people why they can't meet girls.