Asian massage parlour killings...

lets be real here, skipper has a point about "diversity" not being the root of all the problems america is facing
this is because not all ethnicities are created equal
if you had the choice of living in a society that was majority singaporean chinese or american black you wouldnt even finish the sentence before deciding for singaporean chinese and black ppl wouldnt blame u for it
the issue here is that america isnt suffering from an influx of singaporean chinese
america is suffering from offering minorities a louder voice than the majority in a failed bid to somehow achieve equality and unfortunately the minorities that are abusing this arent the upper echelon of desirables
our asian-american community is upset about the shooting but theyre not burning down entire city blocks over it like a certain other group of minority that coincidentally have vastly, incomparably higher rates of gun violence
theyre upset that they're discriminated against in university acceptance requirements but in retaliation theyre simply studying harder rather than other groups that have lower requirements to enter and are demanding that the curriculum change to suit their preconceived notions of social justice
there are countless indian workers who are patiently waiting for their working visas to enter the country legally and not flooding across the border in droves wearing matching shirts that say "BIDEN LET US IN"
indeed, america is facing a different kind of diversity issue that white men created not by oppressing minorities, but by attempting to make them our equals
It's ok man I know it's hard for you to follow the flow sometimes

I love the progressives. Preaching for ethnic and racial diversity, but then also somehow wanting crime to be at the level of prosperous homogeneous white societies.

i suppose you're right

if we were a prosperous homogeneous white society there would be no asians for this nutjob to murderously fetishize
i suppose you're right

if we were a prosperous homogeneous white society there would be no asians for this nutjob to murderously fetishize
Actually if it was mostly a homogeneous white society this crime would receive worldwide shock and awe coverage. But america is desensitized to high levels of homicide, see previous argument.
what would the percentages need to be for you to feel it's diverse?

Probably not 90% south east asians earning household averages of $120k/yr. Unless you're using diverse interchangeably with non-white. Otherwise by the standard you're currently presenting, every country qualifies as diverse.
The white man problem America faces is frightening:

does religious background factor into diversity or is it only skin colour and household earnings?

You tell me. You're the one calling it diverse without applying any standard other than non-white to it. I'd love to hear your definition of the term. You're the one who brought up Singapore as some sort of counterclaim to white homogenous societies having low crimerates. Singapore is remarkably similar to white homogenous societies. It's small, and overwhelmingly a single demographic of wealthy, educated white collar workers, that additionally has many draconian and authoritarian laws. It's honestly a terrible example to bring up, but it's not like you have many alternatives.
singapore is not a white homogeneous society though and anyone that's actually spent time in that country would tell you it's fairly diverse. it's a big melting pot of different cultures and religions.
Zero real-world experience, hyper unprofessional, management makes claims that are total fantasy, the least serious firm I've ever interacted with.
Zero real-world experience, hyper unprofessional, management makes claims that are total fantasy, the least serious firm I've ever interacted with.


my fav was under advice to management: get a job if you can.

it's also kind of weird and creepy that you're putting this much time into following me around. as melania would say, be best.
singapore is not a white homogeneous society though and anyone that's actually spent time in that country would tell you it's fairly diverse. it's a big melting pot of different cultures and religions.

No shit, it's an asian homogenous society. You're still not defining diverse, or even attempting to. Nothing but anecdotes and unfalsifiable claims. Why didn't you cite crime statistics from a diverse 90% black society? Or a 90% diverse latino society?
No shit, it's an asian homogenous society. You're still not defining diverse, or even attempting to. Nothing but anecdotes and unfalsifiable claims. Why didn't you cite crime statistics from a diverse 90% black society? Or a 90% diverse latino society?

singapore isn't 90% one race. again if you travelled there you'd see it for yourself.

why don't you provide your favorite example of a white homogenous society and we can go from there.