
you seem to be obsessed with sides. you don't really need to treat this situation like you would your favorite hockey team.

rational people can identify short-comings in leadership at both ends of the political spectrum.

ex. I submit that nancy said some stupid things and that trump in his capacity as president failed to lead us appropriately.
you seem to be obsessed with sides. you don't really need to treat this situation like you would your favorite hockey team.

rational people can identify short-comings in leadership at both ends of the political spectrum.

ex. I submit that nancy said some stupid things and that trump in his capacity as president failed to lead us appropriately.

You've spent a bunch of time shitting on Trump for supposedly not doing enough, when his opponents (you know, your only other choice for leadership) blasted him for going too far. Its bizarro world. TDS cranked to 11.

Nancy didn't "say some stupid things", the entirety of your leftist leadership and mainstream media were shitting on your president for attempting to lock down travel from the place where the virus originated. They are the ones who politicized this shit from day 0.
yeah i can't believe ur unfairly blaming trump for having the worst covid outbreak in the world

cheer up bud, ride the 3rd wave
You've spent a bunch of time shitting on Trump for supposedly not doing enough, when his opponents (you know, your only other choice for leadership) blasted him for going too far. Its bizarro world. TDS cranked to 11.

Nancy didn't "say some stupid things", the entirety of your leftist leadership and mainstream media were shitting on your president for attempting to lock down travel from the place where the virus originated. They are the ones who politicized this shit from day 0.

i've spent time shitting on the administration that is running the current shit-show, yes.

look at where we are now. one could easily argue locking down travel from china at the end of january didn't solve the problem. you can say well that's because one side called the travel ban xenophobic, but the reality is we already had community transmission occurring locally. We also lost a month of testing & contact tracing at a time when it would have been most beneficial because Alex Azar didn't think it was important.
you seem to be obsessed with sides. you don't really need to treat this situation like you would your favorite hockey team.

rational people can identify short-comings in leadership at both ends of the political spectrum.

ex. I submit that nancy said some stupid things and that trump in his capacity as president failed to lead us appropriately.

And what exactly could trump have done better? Because as fast as we found out about this, he had a task force, then had the borders closed to china traffic and started working on testing

Meanwhile 2 months in, pelosi is standing in china town to come on down, biden saying that closing travel was xenophobic. He said he didn't want to incite panic so he played it down..biden said 'americans don't panic'....yet you couldn't wipe your ass or clean your bathroom for like a month in this country because everyone rushed their stores to stockpile toilet paper (for no reason) and every sanitizing cleaner ever made, when they never really used that much to begin with and still don't. So yeah, americans panic

So what could trump have done better? Him wear a mask? Do you need daddy to show you how to wear a mask or make the decision for you to wear a mask?
Buddy. Your side literally called the man racist for shutting down travel from China. Your side went public with encouragements for people to mingle and to visit Chinatown. Your side was completely and totally dismissive of the Kung Flu because their TDS was flairing up to 11.

Get over it.
New York City’s health commissioner, ostensibly responsible for advising New Yorkers on best health practices, is coming under fire for the role she may have played in the city becoming America’s biggest Coronavirus cluster.

Over the last two months, Oxiris Barbot, the city’s health commissioner, said that riding public transit and going out into public — including attending the Chinese Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown, were not just responsible behaviors, but would additionally help defeat anti-Asian prejudices.

“We are encouraging New Yorkers to go about their everyday lives and suggest practicing everyday precautions that we do through the flu season,” Barbot said on January 26th. She even added that those “who had recently traveled from Wuhan were not being urged to self-quarantine or avoid large public gatherings.”

On February 2nd, she urged the same lack of caution: “The risk to New Yorkers for Coronavirus is low, and our preparedness as a city is very high. There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the parade next Sunday.”

”I’m going to be there,” she added for extra reassurance.

The governor can set a statewide policy, but the governors only have so much authority. Most of the authority has been granted to your local county health department. And your local county health department can dictate what is and isn't shut down in your county based on the infections in a neighboring county, especially if your county supplies most of the jobs to the neighboring county.

The governor is limited like the POTUS is. Thankfully, our system is still set up so that a single person (Trump) does not have the authority to do most of anything the left thinks he can. Now, the POTUS could shut down the country but in order for him to do that, he would have to declare Martial Law and none of us want that. Well, I think many of the left would be okay with it as they seem to believe the Federal Govt is this all-mighty entity with unlimited powers over We the People.
So what could trump have done better? Him wear a mask? Do you need daddy to show you how to wear a mask or make the decision for you to wear a mask?

some testing and contact tracing in the early days really would have gone a long way (see S. Korea) we had good tests just one component (the n3) was throwing back bad results. we could have omitted the n3 and still ran the tests (a decision we ended up making months later) but Alex Azar dropped the ball on that issue.

Most of that failing is on Alex Azar, but Azar was a Trump hire and Trump could have easily pressured Azar to allow the tests to be run without the n3 component.
The comparisons to other countries are fuckin nonsense. South Korea doesn't have a completely fragmented population of 300+ million people governed through 50 different states. Let's be realistic about these comparisons.

You guys are hilarious. Trump is a fascist authoritarian, but he wasn't enough of a fascist authoritarian! You want him to control what everyone does or you don't? Isn't the whole point down there for the individual states to decide how to approach these types of problems?
S. Korea has a much higher population density.

All things being equal it's harder to contain an outbreak in a crowded city than it is a sprawling rural town.

S. Korea hit the ground running with testing and contact tracing.
S. Korea has a much higher population density.

All things being equal it's harder to contain an outbreak in a crowded city than it is a sprawling rural town.

S. Korea hit the ground running with testing and contact tracing.
It's not about density it's about governance and homogeneity. South Korea doesn't have to contend with 50 state governments all choosing their own paths, and they have a cohesive and obedient population.
Originally Posted by samUwell View Post
The governor can set a statewide policy, but the governors only have so much authority. Most of the authority has been granted to your local county health department. And your local county health department can dictate what is and isn't shut down in your county based on the infections in a neighboring county, especially if your county supplies most of the jobs to the neighboring county.

The governor is limited like the POTUS is. Thankfully, our system is still set up so that a single person (Trump) does not have the authority to do most of anything the left thinks he can. Now, the POTUS could shut down the country but in order for him to do that, he would have to declare Martial Law and none of us want that. Well, I think many of the left would be okay with it as they seem to believe the Federal Govt is this all-mighty entity with unlimited powers over We the People.

Except when the state legislature grants the governor unlimited emergency powers with no oversight, or end date. Here in jolly ol' washington state, we're literally living under a dictatorship.
Shocker that armchair QB skipper is talking as if he has a better sense of Covid with more info than the government did.