
The reason Biden wins here for me is that he's stayed the same man through both debates, a tough man with grit that is willing to fight for this country against the orange clown. Trump was a wild reactionary in the first, seething at the heel of Biden. And now, to pander to centrists he's pretending to be calm and collected. Typical traits of a two faced politician. Has one face for one audience and completely flips it for another.

what about biden would make you think he's 'tough' or willing to fight? He strikes me as a guy that has little bursts of clarity, but otherwise is almost mentally handicapped
The reason Biden wins here for me is that he's stayed the same man through both debates, a tough man with grit that is willing to fight for this country against the orange clown. Trump was a wild reactionary in the first, seething at the heel of Biden. And now, to pander to centrists he's pretending to be calm and collected. Typical traits of a two faced politician. Has one face for one audience and completely flips it for another.

:lol: who did you rip that off from? You are a fucking idiot to think Biden is anything but a hollow husk being led around by the nose via the DNC. Say this, do this, NO JOE DON'T. If you actually did write this, you are still an idiot basing a candidate on your FEELS.

As far as covid an blaming Trump. You can not deny Trump closed flights from China and Biden called him Xenophobic FOR THAT (he denys it now but thats bullshit).
Also: Even IF Trump said "do this mandate" liberal Governors are screeching TRUMP CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO"
"You are not welcome here! You can not send troops to help my town BURN in defiance of you!"
" You are not HELPING ENOUGH "<here have as much PPE's, and equipment you need and let me park a military hospital in NYC to help>
Cuomo the eldery killer: "Trump has helped as much as he can"
fast forward toward now: "TRUMP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY DEATH"
Places like Oregon and NYC "Covid lockdown until Nov 3!" <--are you fucking kidding?
Now with the vaccine being produced: "OMG OUR STATE HAS TO APPROVE IT EVEN THOUGH FDC CLEARED IT"

The Liberals are the biggest bunch of screeching hypocrites and because he doesn't make you feel good on the inside he is a "bad orange Hitler.."

Well boo fucking who

He isn't two faced. He is an asshole 100% of the time. He is a media whore on twitter who posts like a kid. 2 faced would be your usual BIDEN politician who says bullshit lies with a smile, changes it with a smile, then has the media cover it for him while all the TDS tards gobble it up.

If you think for 2 seconds Biden would have done anything different about Covid you are fooling yourself. He would have done far worse.
Also to add while we are talking about Covid:
Update from CDC
Of the 220,000 deaths reported as due to COVID, the actual cause was:
88,208 - pneumonia & influenza
17, 799 - chronic respiratory disease
26, 365 - respiratory distress synd.
44, 261 - hypertensive disease
23, 275 -heart disease
28, 000 -cardiac arrest
As far as covid an blaming Trump. You can not deny Trump closed flights from China and Biden called him Xenophobic FOR THAT (he denys it now but thats bullshit).

Trump closed flights to China AFTER we already had community transmission occurring within the United States.

You can pretend that stopping flights from China was the perfect plan, but when you already have Americans infecting other Americans within our borders a China ban alone is not going to solve the problem.

Look where we are now. The travel ban wasn't ineffective because Biden called Trump Xenophobic. It was ineffective because it came too late. By the time Trump acted we already had sick Americans spreading it and we had sick travelers importing it from all the other countries people continued to fly in from.

He isn't two faced. He is an asshole 100% of the time. He is a media whore on twitter who posts like a kid. 2 faced would be your usual BIDEN politician who says bullshit lies with a smile, changes it with a smile, then has the media cover it for him while all the TDS tards gobble it up.

He's plenty two faced. You're just too busy swallowing to notice.

"Anyone who wants a test gets a test."
*skipper feelings intensify*

You are such a pathetic whiner and a hypocrite.

Look where we are now. The travel ban wasn't ineffective because Biden called Trump Xenophobic. It was ineffective because it came too late.
No fucking shit sherlock. Trump didn't go on "gut instinct" with any timeline. Go back and read the WHO reports on what happened and HOW they were screening PRIOR. There was not one country who immediately pulled a "shut this shit down" with a red button.
Calling Trump xenophobic is just an indicator of what Biden would have done if he was even awake to notice.

Also numbnuts you want to talk about Trump being two faced gobbling up Biden's bullshit then act like you are more well informed about the matter? :lol:
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I am more informed about covid and the US response than you are.

Our biggest failing early on was testing. Alex Azar can be blamed for much of this, but as you'll recall he's a Trump appointee. Only the best people.
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The left: trump is xenophobic!!

Also the left: omg trump wasn't xenophobic fast enough to protect us from the china flu
Skipper cries about Trump's covid response, wishes these people were at the helm instead....

"On Jan. 31, when President Trump put in place unprecedented travel restrictions on Chinese citizens after coronavirus infections exploded there, Biden resorted to his favorite word, labeling the restrictions as “xenophobic” and calling it “fear-mongering” and “hysteria.”

Biden and the left: Too many excuses for China | TheHill

"Virus is nothing to fear, it's under control. Visit chinatown!!!”

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco NBC Bay Area

Skipper cries about Trump's covid response, wishes these people were at the helm instead....

"On Jan. 31, when President Trump put in place unprecedented travel restrictions on Chinese citizens after coronavirus infections exploded there, Biden resorted to his favorite word, labeling the restrictions as “xenophobic” and calling it “fear-mongering” and “hysteria.”

Biden and the left: Too many excuses for China | TheHill

"Virus is nothing to fear, it's under control. Visit chinatown!!!”

Nancy Pelosi Visits San Francisco NBC Bay Area


Don't forget that the Obama administration drained the nation's stores of PPE for H1N1 in 2009 and *ooops* forgot to restock supplies.
Buddy. Your side literally called the man racist for shutting down travel from China. Your side went public with encouragements for people to mingle and to visit Chinatown. Your side was completely and totally dismissive of the Kung Flu because their TDS was flairing up to 11.

Get over it.