

9 people died yesterday in California.


Out of 40,000,000.

We should kill the economy because of 9 people.

LOL this so much
Were those nine people black?

What I find magical is that there are no Covid outbreaks in the massive homeless communities where people are living on top of each other. Either they follow Newsom law and wear masks only to remove during meth blow jobs or this "doom and gloom" is bullshit OR Cali is not reporting numbers correctly.
If you are not testing for COVID, no one will be diagnosed with COVID.

I'm not sure why this isn't the strategy. Don't go looking for problems and you won't have any problems. It only exists if you want it too.
If you are not testing for COVID, no one will be diagnosed with COVID.

I'm not sure why this isn't the strategy. Don't go looking for problems and you won't have any problems. It only exists if you want it too.

thank u 4 subjecting me 2 sorting out ur [strike]dangerously[/strike] feloniously neglected '08 highlander yesterday, u fking deadbeat

take ur improperly maintained shit back 2 clem @ the shell station jfc
Another science denier here folks.

I know right.

Masks must absolutely work.

Everyone here has to wear one all the time, mandatory.

This week, one dude has the rona, travels around for work for a couple of days and manages to infect over 30 people, all of whom are wearing masks, sanitising and social distancing.

How the fuck can that happen?

oh I wonder, maybe because almost nobody has a correctly fitted mask so they do pretty much nothing at all.

Try going outside on a cold day, see that fog going everywhere when you breathe? Not just from the front but out the top and especially venting out the sides? Yeah, that will be full of the rona.

Look at the stats for masks with a gap ~science~
Oh jesus lord oh god almighty. Oh heavenly father and holy ghost.

"Yazdanipour gave the dire assessment during the same meeting that the OKC City Council voted to extend the city’s mask mandate until at least Dec. 7. She said the main issue is not the number of beds, although that can be a problem, but rather it's the number of nurses and doctors to staff them."

Oh jesus, heavenly mother. Oh titty milk on a partially finished roof.
I see, so you would submit that you were simply inaccurate in your presentation of an article you read and not openly dishonest.
But it still exists. It would be more appropriate to title it "Hospital is short staffed" would it not?
you seem pretty passionate about this. why don't you take up this matter with the editor of koko news 5 - their headline was: "No ICU beds available Tuesday morning in OKC, health official says during council meeting."

in the absence of medical professionals an ICU bed is somewhat useless.
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Not passionate at all, just a musing. It's an explicitly misleading headline that you decided to convey as it was written, which means you either did not read the article or you wanted to push the inaccuracy. I'm not surprised by either.