
Not really
For many years we've had endless wars
and the Uniparty supported it

Establishment party supports it.

I sure as fuck do not. I was on the rah rah boat after 9/11 like most Americans but as usual, DC took that to the maxx way past good sense. Trump was refreshing in that aspect...and it sure as hell pissed off the RINOs like McCain would wanted boots on the ground full scale in Syria. Trump told him NEIN.
That was the real reason McCain hated Trump. Same with all the other RINOs who were in the pocket of defense contractors like Boeing.
Establishment party supports it.

I sure as fuck do not. I was on the rah rah boat after 9/11 like most Americans but as usual, DC took that to the maxx way past good sense. Trump was refreshing in that aspect...and it sure as hell pissed off the RINOs like McCain would wanted boots on the ground full scale in Syria. Trump told him NEIN.
That was the real reason McCain hated Trump. Same with all the other RINOs who were in the pocket of defense contractors like Boeing.

I’m sick and tired of our country getting dragged into every fucking shitstorm in places that other countries should be able to handle themselves.

Why isn’t the rest of Europe stomping the everloving shit out of Russia? It is in their best interest to handle this shit themselves.

Meanwhile, we as a country should be learning this lesson and developing strategies to lesson our dependence on foreign oil and technologies and other strategic materials to maintain our standard of living. Failure to do that is gross negligence on our so called leaders.


You're right, at this point there are science studies I don't trust.
I skimmed it..., maybe dig more.
Yes, I would like to know when was treatment started. Are they waiting until people finally come in really sick?
I want a study done where people keep placebo/ivermectin handy and take it right away.
I also want to know what the 'treatment' was. Just Ivermectin or ....
because Ivermectin is part of a protocol (especially combined with zinc..)
I've posted studies (you dig) that showed Ivermectin helped.
I keep both Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, along with vitamins handy,
not just for the covid,,, I'll try it with the flu too
but you all do you... keep jabbin'
...753 [47.3%] reported receiving at least 2 doses of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine),..
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people are still bickering over whether treatments/vaccines are effective for a cough that millions of people recovered from with ease with chicken soup and blankets?
pagy's ready for us all to move on

he's looking forward to the future, please don't bring receipts from his brain-dead covid takes
We're sorry we were degenerate fascists and totally wrong about everything every step of the way
member that time they were saying that unvaccinated people shouldnt be given healthcare?

i member. ill always member.
Now that the truth about what we did to you is coming out, lets not do anything rash like holding people accountable for what we did to you. In fact, let's forget that it happened at all.
Ah the old "you just happened to be right" non-apology. Let's try small steps, like keeping your next moral panic under $6T and not labeling people nazis for wanting their kids to go to school.
if they do that, they'll need 2 give amnesty to straight white males 4 wat they allegedly done did b/c they didn't kno better what w/ living back in the dark dark ages of the baby boom

Yeah... NO! You can fuck right the fuck off!

We can use their tools against them
Restorative Justice calls for Reparations
We Need Justice For The Pandemic, Not "Forgiveness."

The wrong or injustice must be acknowledged;

Equity needs to be created or restored;

Future intentions need to be addressed.

..Restorative justice is a model of justice that focuses on repairing the harm caused by wrongdoing, rather than merely punishing perpetrators...In practice, restoring equity means creating the outcomes that would have occurred had no wrongdoing occurred. ..

PBS or PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention Support
I remember this coming into the schools when I was teaching and was on the 'Positive Behavior Support' committee that was formed when we adopted their program. Restorative Justice became a big part of this program ... ya, I see now, all one big slippery slope into the madness we see now. It's all inextricably linked.
About Positive Behaviour Support Positive Behaviour Support
