Biden - Dimocrats Newest Criminal Candidate

y were the parks up 4 sale in the first place?



only 1 of the doods pictured ayckshually took up arms and commanded rebel soldiers against the us government
Sen. Lindsay Graham is a fucking weak ass traitor trying to walk the lie that he's involved with his friend Joe in.

But Graham, in a detailed statement early Thursday afternoon, expressed reluctance to go so far as calling Obama to testify.

He said he is "greatly concerned about the precedent that would be set by calling a former president for oversight."

Lindsay concerned about setting the wrong example... BS
Get to the fucking bottom of this shit or you're in it Lindsay; we see you.

so much corruption it makes your head spin; American Dims will not be able to understand this.

Trump took the remarkable step earlier Thursday to ask Sen. Lindsey Graham, the head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to call former President Barack Obama to testify in front of the committee. Graham played down the request and Obama later tweeted, “Vote.”

Obama not even worried; they've got their storytellers working overtime and the real news is too hard to find for Dims.
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lying is a crime

but FBI lied.......Obama admin lied

and you don't give a shit

worse than that you celebrate it and are enthusiastic to vote for more of that

you can't write one complete sentence without exposing your hypocrisy and idiocy

maybe work on that for us

He's such a fucking retard incapable of thinking past what he is told by the MSM.

I wouldn't even waste your time responding to his retarded ass.

duuuuuurrrrrrr he lied and trump said he lied!! duuuuurrrrrrrrr
biden saying he wont pardon trump so sounds like they;re gearing up for war in which case the most corrupt is gonna win

who's that
Look at Pedo-Joe sucking on that cheek.

oh no you don't Beijing Biden
don't slink off the 1st page

Phone Calls Between Biden And Ukraine To Fire Burisma Prosecutor | Zero Hedge

The calls were leaked by Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach, who says the recordings of "voices similar to Poroshenko and Biden" were given to him by investigative journalists, who say they were made by Poroshenko.

Shokin was notably investigating Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that hired Biden's son, Hunter, to sit on its board. Shokin had opened a case against Burisma's founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, who granted Burisma permits to drill for oil and gas in Ukraine while he was Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources. In January, 2019, Shokin stated in a deposition that there were five criminal cases against Zlochevesky, including money laundering, corruption, illegal funds transfers, and profiteering through shell corporations while he was a sitting minister.


"Yesterday I met with General Prosecutor Shokin," says Poroshenko. And despite of the fact that we didn't have any corruption charges, we don't have any information about him doing something wrong, I specially asked him - no, it was day before yesterday - I specially asked him to resign. In, uh, as his, uh, position as a state person. And despite of the fact that he has a support in the power. And as a finish of my meeting with him, he promised to give me the statement on resignation. And one hour ago he bring me the written statement of his resignation. And this is my second step for keeping my promises."

To which Biden replied: "I agree."

yeah, ole creepy quid pro joe is fucked
Holy shit!

This has the potential to be YUGE! How will the CFR corporate controlled media spin this?
By not ever ever mentioning it EVAR.
The biggest crime the Globalist media commits
is Omission

Airway licences need to be reviewed, rebuked, and revoked...
Start with NPR and work down to CNN
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but but but biden and the IMF wanted him to be out of there because of all the corruption Shokin was involved in lol

that was their argument all along. and then straight from Poroshenko's mouth on a phone call with the very man that demanded he fire the prosecutor, not a bit of corruption :rofl:

yeah, he's fucked.
Did someone say they need a strong black woman for VP?

Rice Declassified By DNI, DOJ Is Reviewing Before Public Release - Sara A. Carter

Sorry, Susan may be a bit busy to take on the presidency Joe, you'll have to find someone else to hand off to.

That meeting with Obama came a day after the FBI had a written memorandum to drop the investigation on then former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. The FBI memo, which was recently declassified noted that the bureau found ‘no derogatory information on Flynn. However, after the Jan. 5 meeting with Obama at the Oval Office, the bureau failed to drop the case against Flynn and instead ramped up its investigation into the retired three star general. Because of the overwhelming amount of evidence revealing that the bureau should have never investigated Flynn the Justice Department has asked the court to drop case against him.

Johnson noted in his letter to Barr that “a majority of Ambassador Rice’s email was declassified but a portion of the email remains classified.”

“The significance of that meeting is becoming increasingly apparent as more and more information is declassified,” he stated “For these reasons, it is essential that Congress and the American people understand what occurred during that January 5, 2017, meeting and how it was later characterized by administration officials. The declassification of Ambassador Rice’s email, in whole, will assist these efforts.”
