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  1. J

    (So) War in Syria (In Before Reality)

    The CNN forums have been alive with some interesting posts. Opinion: Why Syria is truly a problem from hell - Most people seem to believe that the latest Chemical Weapons attack was, in fact, done by the terrorists to get the US to take down Assad. Sounds pretty Truthy. But in any...
  2. J

    (OFN) Miss Carolina 2007

    lj3iNxZ8Dww Judge: "What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award...
  3. J

    Orson Scott Card

    I recently finished rereading Ender's Game and I'm looking for something new. I started reading Speaker for the Dead but I'm having trouble getting into it. It seems totally different to Ender's Game. Is it worth it to keep going? I've heard people say that its excellent but I'm not sure. I...
  4. J

    [So] Should I ask a girl that I met playing WoW out on a blind date?

    Today I got an email at work from a girl I met playing WoW about a month ago. She's an undead mage, I'm a Tauren druid. Anyways I was asking if anyone lived near me (Canberra, Australia) and she said yeah. She's my age (29) and by coincidence works in a building just across from me. I don't...
  5. J

    [Breaking] President Musharraf steps down under threat of impeachment - Pakistani President Musharraf Resigns Amid Impeachment Threats - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News This could be bad. Musharraf was a big ally of the US. He's been fighting al'quada (argueable to what extent) and the region is close to all...
  6. J

    Olympics - The Opening Ceremony is ON

    Pretty good so far! Lol at Nicky Webster "girl in the red dress" ripoff though. Nothing too communist so far... but I'm betting there will be!
  7. J

    (So) what the fuck is with Russia?

    So now they're thinking of sending long range bombers to Cuba. Report: Russia May Send Nukes To Cuba, Castro Commends New Leader's Silence On Report, Says Cuba Owes Washington No Explanations - CBS News Seriously. Are they dumb or something? If so, how dumb? Right now in terms of...
  8. J

    Free Will--is it an illusion?

    [rant]One of the things that amazes me most is the fact most people believe in free will. Recently I had this discussion with a friend and he basically said that he wouldn't talk to me any more if I didn't recant my views. The virulence with which people defend free will is astonishing to me...
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    Labor takes it! The Labor party has won! Take that you conservative fuckers! HAHAHAHAHHA!
  10. J

    The Election in Australia and how it affects the US

    For those that don't know, the election in Australia will be held in about 12 hours from now. It will be over in about 24. By the time most of you wake up, it will be on. By the time most of you go to bed, it will be over. The two main parties in Australia are the Liberals and Labor. Since...
  11. J

    Any artists, writers or editors in the house?

    I've started doing some more work on a fantasy novel I've been working on for a while now. It still needs some editting, but I'm hoping to get edit it to publishable standard. I'm looking for some inspiration and I've noticed that TW has some goddamn awesome artists. If anyone feels up to...
  12. J

    1984 is here.

    How would you guys feel if your every movement was watched? It's here already. How many cameras are there in London? How many cameras are there in every city in America? The other night I saw a picture from my friend's camera. It was evil shit, you could literrally focus in onto every...
  13. J

    Have we won the war in Iraq?

    I've claimed in the past that the war is lost. I think I may have been wrong about that. Things are changing. The public hasn't quite caught up yet, and the media certainly hasn't. But things are going relatively well. They're definately improving. How we’ve won the war in Iraq - Times...
  14. J

    Does anyone have an email address for the Shithole admins? (got kicked)

    I got kicked for capping in a 3 v 4 match after about 2 minutes of play, on team with 4 people. Seems strange as that team was losing 4-0 until I joined. That's fine, whatever, but I don't get it. I look down at the chat and Consensus is yelling "change teams then cap", but suddenly I'm...
  15. J

    Do you feel grown up?

    This is mainly addressed to people over 18. Do you feel like an adult or like a "man"? At what point did you look at yourself and say "I'm a full grown adult now." I only ask because I'm 28 and don't feel grown up at all :shrug:
  16. J

    So I installed T1 again

    From here: TribesProject version 3 I updated the master server and I can see the games, but there's only two base servers (mods suck imo)... Ones and dueling server and the other is "Shithole" (awesome server name btw) But when I try to connect, the game just does nothing? I can see it on my...
  17. J

    I want to download T1, T2 or T:V and give it another go, for old times sake.

    Where can I find them? Which game has the most players? Are T2 and T:V free games, or do I still have to buy them? Will I even be able to connect to a server in T1, let alone the other games? I never played T2 or T:V, so I don't know jack about them. Are there special...
  18. J

    I've discovered a powerful, relatively safe, and legal hallucinogen

    I discovered this completely by accident, and technically speaking, when I say "discovered" I really mean "stumbled upon" something already known by doctors, but not really known by the general public. "Vivid dreams" are a known side effect, but goddamn, that's an understatement. And the...
  19. J

    Would you prefer a life of pleasant ignorance, or painful truth?

    In general, knowing whatever you know now, would you prefer to have "missed" all the bad things in life, or would you prefer to know the truth, no matter how much it hurts? Is there a limit to what you would take, and if so, what would it be? Hypothetically, say you suspected that your best...
  20. J

    [Physics] If the universe was expanding at the speed of light... [on a treadmill]

    I've got a phsyics/astronomy question I don't understand. According to most accounts, the universe is 13.7 billion years old. Light travels, er, at the speed of light. Thus, the radius of the observable universe is 13.7 billion light years, and the diameter approximately 27 billion light...