I've discovered a powerful, relatively safe, and legal hallucinogen


Veteran X
I discovered this completely by accident, and technically speaking, when I say "discovered" I really mean "stumbled upon" something already known by doctors, but not really known by the general public.

"Vivid dreams" are a known side effect, but goddamn, that's an understatement.

And the culprite? Nicotine Patches. Yep. Good old nicotine patches.

I've been trying and succeeding to quit smoking, and to help me I bought a pack of the strongest patches I could find.

So I put one on. On the first day of my campaign, all goes well...

...until, that is, I finally go to sleep.

Then I get assaulted by the most intense and vivid dreams and nightmares I've ever experienced. It's now been a week on the patches, and every single night I've had the most mindblowing and bizarre dreams of my life.

I've kept a dream-journal for about ten years now, and I've often had long, vivid and coherent dreams worthy (to my mind) of being recorded.

But this shit takes it to the next level. Some of the dreams are so totally bizarre that it was almost impossible to record what happens.

About three nights ago I dreamed that seven evil "time-wizards", each with a form of "time magic" and accompanied by massive un-reality clocks (one with a huge chainsaw-pendulum, another flanked by reality-severing spinning sun-dials) were fighting seven champions, and "transforming" (transformers cgi style) the reality around them into bladed gauntlet gateways into hell. The good warriors tricked the evil wizards by training to run through "blade" reality and avoided dying until the ultimate doom clock struck 11:00 and all the magic in the world ended, the heros were thrown into a single group running through the blade reality, knowing they would die, until I woke up.

Yesterday I read this (Warhammer 40k Nerd-Alert!):

"In the end, Horus was defeated by the Emperor, and the bulk of the Traitor Legions retreated into the Eye of Terror. Before his Legion followed suit, Perturabo devised and enacted the one real victory for the Iron Warriors in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy. He crafted a trap on Sebastus IV, designed to ensnare Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists, with whom Perturabo and his warriors harboured a bitter rivalry. The trap was known as the Eternal Fortress, a keep centred within twenty square miles of bunkers, towers, minefields, trenches, tank traps and redoubts. Upon hearing of this, Rogal Dorn publicly declared that he "would dig Perturabo out of his hole and bring him back to Terra in an iron cage".

Rogal Dorn expected an honourable battle, but this was not to be. Beginning by isolating the four Companies of the Imperial Fists from their orbital support, Perturabo began to carefully divide his enemy and destroy them piecemeal. Some Imperial Fists managed to penetrate the defences and reach the center of the Eternal Fortress, only to find there was no central keep - simply an open space watched by yet more defenses. The fortress was a decoy of no real value. By the sixth day of the siege, Imperial Fists Space Marines were fighting individually, without support, using the bodies of their own battle brothers for cover.

The siege of the Eternal Fortress (later referred as the "Iron Cage") lasted for a further three weeks. Relief came in the form of Roboute Guilliman and the Ultramarines, but the siege left Rogal Dorn a broken man, rendered the Imperial Fists Chapter unable to fight for nineteen years, and paved the way for Perturabo's ascension to Daemon Prince, after the sacrifice of over four hundred loyalist Marines' gene-seed..."

... and dreamed all that from Rogal Dorn's perspective.

Anyway, the point is, it was fucked up. Amazing and inspirational sometimes, horifically terrifying at others.

But worth it. I've never dreamed anything so trippy, and in the past I've used my fair share of illicit substances.

If you don't do drugs (or do), slap one of these babies on your arm before you go to sleep and see what happens.

Get to it soldiers, and report back, stat!

:Cliffs: wearing a nicotine patch to sleep can and probably will give you the most intense dreams you've experienced.
I did that once, had the most intense nightmare I have ever had - never doing that shit ever again!
Interesting. . . . tell me more. . .

Well, technically I'm probably wrong to use the word hallucinogen, since you won't "know" your hallucinating, and it only happens when you're asleep.

I'd definately recommend it though. At least you don't have to worry about throwing yourself off a building, which is always a risk with LSD.
I did that once, had the most intense nightmare I have ever had - never doing that shit ever again!

Wow, I just did a search on Wikipedia and found this:

Nicotine patch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Patches are intended to be worn for 24 hours at a time, and then be replaced at the same time every day. However, some individuals wearing the patch while they sleep experience abnormally vivid, erotic, or possibly violent dreams.[citation needed] Within this group, some people become acclimated and are not bothered; others find them completely intolerable. Other people actually enjoy the intense vivid dreaming, experiencing no nightmares or unpleasant dreams, just pleasant dreams of unusual intensity.

For some smokers the solution is simply to wear the patch for approximately 17 hours only, and remove it before bed. There are also several brands which offer sixteen hour patches. However, because the patches take between two and four hours to achieve peak concentration in the body, this can leave the wearer vulnerable to cravings in the morning, particularly if they don't put on the patch immediately when they wake up. For heavier smokers, or smokers whose prior smoking habits included a smoke first thing in the morning or when getting home from work, the twenty-four hour patches can help avoid times of the day where the patch is not delivering enough nicotine and cravings start."

I guess I fall into the "enjoy the intense vivid dreaming" although I've come to appreciate nightmares generally... they just give me more fucked-up ideas to write stories about ;)
Dude, melatonin does the same shit for me. It's crazy. I have insomnia unless I take melatonin every night. The dreams are trippy and that dream you were talking about (the first one) sounded like it could be a good idea for a game possibly, now Sony is going to steal it.
Neo Citrin Extra Strength blows my fucking mind off. Or Extra Strength Nyquil. But the worst is really just a good old-fashioned fever. I had a fever in college and in my dream my legs no longer wanted to be a part of my body so they split off of me, shattered into a million pieces, voted and created a democratic election who voted 85% to kick me off the bed. My room mate said he found me on the floor with my legs up on the bed the next day. It was fucking horrifying.
I do mean all dreams. If you can't handle your own subconscious mind, I'm sorry. Dreams are only scary when you're asleep.