I've discovered a powerful, relatively safe, and legal hallucinogen

So if I buy the patches and wear them to sleep without ever having smoked a cigarette or anything will bad things happen?

Well, you might have nightmares :lol:

The worst thing that will probably happen is you feel somewhat wierd and uncomfortable and won't be able to get to sleep at all.

Also you can get addicted to nicotine patches (nicotine is addictive... thus... nicotine patches...)

Patches are safer than cigarettes, put it that way. Cigarettes obviously ARE dangerous in the long term, but in the short term you won't keel over and die or go permanently insane or anything like that.
isn't there a warning on the box about most people having crazy dreams if they sleep with the patch on?
Is that angron or abbadon or just some random world eater?

In any case, I think I'll dream of being that guy tonight! :p

Random Chosen of Khorne. Angron is some fucking big bestial demon thing, and Abbadon has the Claw of Horus with a mounted storm bolter and Drachn'en in his other hand, plus he's in terminator armor.