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  1. J

    [PS4] Galak-Z - this games fucking great you should play it.

    mo24Q3FoNZs Been playing it the last few nights, probably a total of 3 hours-ish? I really like it and I think a lot of people here probably would. Very difficult and very stylized. I've put up a few of my sessions so far - it's all raw gameplay I don't do commentary or anything...
  2. J

    [PowerShell] Working with CSVs

    Trying to find a way to clear up some user error when it comes to creating network designs, the format of the table used to track this is basically: Start Device Location, Start Device Name, Start Device Port, End Device Location, End Device Name, End Device Port So it ends up looking like...
  3. J

    Living in San Jose?

    How is it? I'm being flown out for an interview, curious what people think of the area. What are some good suburbs outside of the city for family housing?
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    PAX Prime 2014 thread

    How many of us going this year? I'll be there Fri-Sun.
  5. J

    [Cable Modem] What do you use?

    Current one seems to have died and looking to replace it, what's the hotness? Looking at this one right now:
  6. J

    This game is probably garbage but reminds me of Team Rabbit Curious if anyone else has somehow ended up buying this and trying it out. QhUErDCozqY
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    TW Pax Prime meetup

    Just curious who is going and who might want to grab a beer or something. Haven't really talked to any of the usuals about it yet.
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    Another Double Fine Kickstarter - Massive Chalice

    Seems cool, I like the pitch: Double Fine's MASSIVE CHALICE by Double Fine Productions — Kickstarter S4XU0mFTI8M Separate team from the one doing Broken Age (Double Fine Adventure) - I like Brad Muir and the concept seems good so I'm on board.
  9. J

    Nexus: The Jupiter Incident

    In my quest for games like Homeworld lately I stumbled across this game which I have no idea how I really missed the first time around (10 years ago). It's on and Steam for $10 and is pretty great, although somewhat slow paced. So far it has an interesting story but I am not too far in...
  10. J

    [Amazon Shows] Bunch of pilots released for Amazon's new shows

    I know we have the Zombieland thread, but a few of these other shows seem good so far, here's the full list of what they released today: Pilot Season on Amazon Instant Video Alpha House Betas Browsers Dark Minions Onion News Empire Supanatural Those Who Can't Zombieland SO far I've only...
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    PAX Prime Ticket Sales are LIVE!!!

    Just a heads up - I'm in a queue right now to buy some tickets. New system, hopefully it is reliable.
  12. J

    Worst names you've ever known someone to actually have

    For me my personal top is a girl named Licorice that I met at a track meet in high school. What's the worst name you've ever seen (personally, not just on the internet) Honorary second goes to one of the techs I used to work with when I worked at an ISP, her name was Shakalit (Pronounced...
  13. J

    Power Shell help

    Ok, I am trying to create a simple If statement that for some reason is really screwing me over. What I want essentially is that if a file has "0x" at the beginning of it (not case sensitive) I want it to be skipped and moved to a Skipped folder, it can also write ($file was Skipped). For...
  14. J

    [Programming] Anyone have any good resources for Auto Pilot?

    Started working with AP and just curious what resources are out there. Whether it's physical books or kindle books or just some web sites or whatever. I haven't been able to find anything all that useful in my 5 minutes of searching. edit: I know it's kind of something that's not super...
  15. J

    So food poisoning....

    Easily one of the worst experiences of my life. From Monday Night until Wednesday I basically couldn't do a damn thing and I lost about 5-6 lbs on Tuesday alone though I'm pretty sure it was mostly fluid. Also my kidneys hurt, which is an interesting experience. Not really sure what caused...
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    Who is "that" person in your family?

    The one that people tolerate and everything, but really they are kind of an asshole. For me it's one of my brothers.
  17. J

    [360] Guardians of Middle Earth

    This actually works pretty well on 360, anyone playing it? It's a DOTA game, and a little simplified but I've been playing it a lot the past few days. 4A_3eLYUTrE
  18. J

    [Miner Wars 2081] Descentish Game

    Save 20% on Miner Wars 2081 on Steam Just saw this on Steam, it was part of Project Greenlight I guess? It looks like it might actually be pretty damn sweet. ILhUdox1yYk For $20 I think I might just grab it, it seems somewhat competent. edit: Changed video to just the trailer.
  19. J

    [We're All Old] Got married last weekend

    Finally got married last weekend. Been with my wife for nearly eight years now. Awesome wedding, awesome woman, really happy. Life is good.
  20. J

    Premarital Catholic Retreat

    Day One: Limited access to phone. 35 couples and my hopes of some sort of "Real World vs Road Rules Challenge" scenario were quickly silenced. We sit around and write answers to questions and then read them to each other. I think im winning the question game. We were supposed to bring a...