anyone into racing games / sims?

I member playing The Sims and making my human go swimming knowing very much so that they don’t know how to and make em drown. Quite a rewarding feeling as a child
Is there any point in me buying ACC too? I'm thinking not.

Supposed to get my platform on Friday. Unfortunately I still have to migrate my desk and PC to the basement, and find a set of pedals. Hoping I can have everything set up within 2 weeks.

probably not at this can always go deeper down the rabbit hole later, if you want/need to

you made a rig for your old man right? what kind of sim stuff does he use it for? there is a father son combo on my iRacing enduro team :)
He's a flight sim nerd. Like, commercial airliner nerd. Doing boring ass flights between large city airports. He thinks starting a 737 from cold/dark is fun :lol:

Gotta get him VR, it would blow his mind for sure

that's really cool, I can see that being fun in its way :) i find it fascinating that some people also sim/rp being air traffic controllers, that must be fun to learn about too

I'm pretty sure there is a TW fable of Strega MSFlight simming a big old 747 or something and ending up with naptown as his co-pilot :spineyes: you can guess the end to that story
The end of that story is 9/11 for sure

Msfs is legit beautiful. When I go to his house I like flying bush/float planes around BC.
this isn't mine, but this pic shows how easy it is to have a hybrid rig – you just need a flight sim throttle that has a rocker switch for the rudder, so that you don't need rudder pedals. Or one of those gay twisty sticks if preferred.

I don't quite have space to add stuff to mine atm, but it's definitely going to happen in the future

He's a flight sim nerd. Like, commercial airliner nerd. Doing boring ass flights between large city airports. He thinks starting a 737 from cold/dark is fun :lol:

Gotta get him VR, it would blow his mind for sure


MS flight sim with VR is amazing.
I played a lot of racing/car sims 20 years ago. I found generally the more realistic, the harder and less fun. For example, high speed on asphalt nice, but just touching the grass and all hell breaks loose.. so in those games, the maps with barriers were better. Generally I preferred the rally games like Colin McCrae as they just seemed like more fun.

Flight sims I still play DCS occasionally. I fly a Blackshark which is an old Russian single seat attack helicopter. DCS is high realism, but again.. a slide down the scale slightly closer to 'arcade' is often more fun.

For flight sims, and you can do it in car sims, I use a Headtracker (I got off Slinky) and triple monitors. I don't have VR, but the headtracker is great for flight sims and you can just move your head a little to see all the instrument panels.

For the most basic car sims, I've preferred a wheel with analog levels for break/gas as the foot pedals just give me the shits sitting at a desk.

Generally I find car race sims tiring.. they tire me out more than a FPS.
Shit son I didn't think about head tracking... I'm already daydreaming about a triple monitor setup but maybe that's a good compromise?