
i was raised that judges do not like tattoo's so never get one that cant be covered in court.

now i could understand if i had a body suit and just loved it that much that i wanted more but i agree with sehvi. this face tat thing when its only a little thing is too much like the tear drop thing and that shit belongs in prison.

on that same note there are certain things that should stay on prison people only. Like the web on the elbow. see way to many fags in the street that have that and never served time.
Face tat = don't hire me. I like tattoos but I can cover all of mine. I wear business clothes to work so none of the higher ups even know that I have them. That said tattoos are a lot more prevalent than they used to be and the people who don't like them are generally old.

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oh sorry to confuse you with slang

it means "girlfriend" its someone that has sex with you. but also female.

Haha OK then. Was it your intellect and charm that attracted her, or your rich and varied sense of humour?

Or does she weigh 300lbs and smell funny?
I suppose tattoos give millennials a life choice to regret, considering they have never had to make any others in their entire cocooned lives.
a generation of mass shootings isnt exactly 'cocooned'

remember all the stats proving mass shootings were way higher for genX ers in the 80's

as usual millenicucks are all teary and afraid about nothing much at all tbh, o noes we have about 10% of the chance of being murdered than the last couple of generations. Hold my soy shake while I tweet my outrage
