Tribes : Ascend

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Thanks for the link allowing me to quickly and conveniently ignore Spockhammer, DV. This is my first ever ignore. :sunny:
bullshit! DoD was so much fun. it didnt make for a good competition map but that shit was fun for pugs. especially when tribes first came out and nobody knew wtf the energy pack was or the nade launcher or any of that shit.

Agreed. That map really required a bit of teamwork to do properly in a pub but it was worth it.
i enjoyed t1 a ton more than t2 /classic

but i could live w/ T:A playing more like classic than t1. Hell i like the idea of using tr2 physics, that shit was fuuuuuuuuuuuuun
FOV is accessible in clientprefs, but what this all comes down to is that the developers made a conscious decision to expose certain variables and functionality to scripters so that these scripts could be written. If that's cheating, then the game was designed for cheaters by cheaters and anyone that plays is consciously playing a cheater game.

Like I said earlier, I am all for scripts. I think they improve the game 99% of the time. The issue I have is when one player can come into a server with perma iffs, for example, and have an advantage over someone who is not privvy to this script. If everyone has immediate access to perma iffs, then all's fair IMO.

My definition of immediate access would be a server side script or something along those lines. Having to go into prefs.cs folder located in some directory outside of the game is not immediate access IMO.

When I play against an opponent and I best them, I want it to be due to my own cunning and skill. I also hope that if my opponent bests me that they are of the same mind. Now if I have to outside of the game and get a script to give me an advantage over my opponent, then shame on me. I know there are plenty of players out there that don't share this sentiment, and that's fine by me. I still play the game, but if you look at this ethically (I can't believe I just brought the 'E' word to TW), then how can anyone with this type of advantage feel like they are skilled in anyway with regards to the intended play mode of the game?

I think the developers left Tribes moddable so that gameplay could be enhanced by the community and for each server, not for people who know how to script or find a clientprefs folders to get the jump on the people who do not know how to do these things.
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DoD was about dueling, chaining, and learning to play nekkid.

DoD has always been my favorite map. You would think that it would be near impossible to ever get the flag out of that hole in the ground, but somehow it always sneaks out at least once. It is even more fun in Cluster as you spawn with an energy pack.
Rev Zen. - You arent getting it. What you are saying you "think is fine and improves the game" doesnt exist. There are no scripts that the server has that you DL automatically that give you the flexibility of changing things like FOV.

ALL Scripts are clientside and something you Download. The Developers made it this way. You are ignorant of this whole side of the game, and CHOOSE not to spend a few hours finding out which scripts could enhance your playing experience. Enhance Playing expeirience, not some conspiracy to give massive advatanges ing ame to certain players that arent shared with others. You can go look at the Thousands of Scripts at places like or Home ·, and you can tell yourself they are cheats all you want, but you are just plain wrong.

In the case of T2, you get a .vl2 file, and drop it in yout tribes2/gamedata/base folder, and voila, you have the script installed. You dont have to modify .cs files. You dont have to edit clientprefs or do haxoring. You download a file that the Creators of the game made sure the community knew how tyo make and install because they wanted the community to create such tools.

Perm IFFs / HM2 / AutoAim hax, etc != as FOV Script/ Chat Script/ Interpolate etc.

Some of them are Hax meant to do things the game didnt offer by default. The scripts generally effect the GUI and or things you could already do within the game, but make an easy interface to do it.

THe only person cheating is you. You are cheating yourself from a better tribes experience. I am done with the argument because you can only talk to a brick wall so long, but your understanding of Scripting in this game is infantile and something that any rational person would have gotten over a week or two into the game, just like I did when I found out about z0ddski.cs in t1 (and thought it was a cheat). Good Luck actually comprehending the intentions of the Development team that made this fantastic Moddable & Scriptable game series (excluding T:V).
I'm confused, does ?B-MAN actually think T1 jump scripts came out after Tribes 2's release?
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