Cata leaks starting

yes im sure their photoshop sharpen filter and 3d studio "add another horn" button will be working overtime
Yea I see that. I'm talking more about the "is that any different" kind of screenshot. I'd love side by side comparisons.
Ah. Well, just use your memory I guess. Lots of the flooding and broken ground is different. And the towers that look like they have collapsed.
MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft Guides and Raid Strategies

Starting to leak tons of shit. However, the main thing I'm interested in is the fact that it looks like they're updating old world mob models like kobolds, crabs, etc and racial mounts. I'm really hoping this means they're gonna update player models since they look like shit compared to the quality of worgen/goblin.

Not leaks, those screenshots are being allowed by Blizzard.
Not leaks, those screenshots are being allowed by Blizzard.

yeah blizzard 'leaked' alpha screenshots to the largest world of warcraft information website on the internets.

however, it is funny to see them basically ripping off the corpses of failed mmos.

for example:

Cloud City


Egyptian Desert place:


underwater level:

champions online:

evil demon place:


Granted wow will do these things better than any of these games. still funny though.
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wow has ripped off eq2 a bunch as well. the path of the titans and guild talents are similar to shit that has been in eq2 forever. the main story in eq2 is about the game's world being destroyed and you have to run around and fix shit which is exactly what is happening in wow's cataclysm.

However, i don't think the developers are actually spending all of their time ripping off other mmos. it's more a function of the fact that almost every mmo out there is in a fantasy setting and has a wow based quest system. there's only so much you can do within that generic framework.
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you have a desert area with a bunch of quests, a hell area with quests and demons, underwater city with a bunch of gungans its all the same shit
yeah blizzard 'leaked' alpha screenshots to the largest world of warcraft information website on the internets.

Cataclysm Friends & Family Alpha Update
Apparently, a few people are interested in that "Cataclysm" thing and I guess it's time for an update of what's going on.

The Alpha is protected by a Non-disclosure agreement, which basically means that anything I could post could get me sued. I'm not saying it will happen, Blizzard has been fairly forgiving with everything posted on the site in this past but I think you will understand that I cannot just post everything I find without checking a few things first.

For the moment, Alpha related posts on the forums aren't moderated (it would be stupid to think we can moderate all the posts about it) but people trying to scam or spread false rumors will be rewarded with a 3 months ban from the forums. Anyone linking or advertising emulation/cheating sites will be permanently banned from the forums.

And because you're all going to ask anyway, yes, the Deathwing model posted everywhere on the forums is real.

In other words Blizzard approves the post, if not they would be suing his ass. Blizzard isn't stupid either, they let the dog off the leash just enough to keep everyone interested. Screenshots are nothing big, the meat and potatoes of the alpha however won't be posted there.
Wow you mean fantasy role playing games tend to use the same rehashed environments over and over again? You left out the enchanted forest too!