Well accepted lies masquerading as truth... Conspiracies?

For the record, I'm far from convinced of the flat earth theory. I do however find many of the arguments perplexing.
The Flat Earth topic is cointelpro and is getting such heavy attention because the backers have lots of $. They are spreading this to normal people in an attempt to get society to believe that any person that studies conspiracy history or revisionist history believes in the Flat Earth and therefor should not be listened to.
is this like interpreting the bible as anything but metaphor or like interpreting thought experiments literal or breaking poe's law

because i see a lot of people making reaching leaps of logic in that stuff all the time so y not time cube flat earth theory for fun

or time travel or eternal youth or whatever
We didn't put it there. It is a shard of unobtanium placed their billions of years ago by an ancient alien race.

OK, but that doesn't help the Flat Earth conspiracy.

We're at a point now with video games and simulations that we can simulate a spherical Earth and transition the camera seamlessly from orbit (sphere) to surface (flat) to demonstrate the "flat horizon" phenomenon. It's not hard and there's no trickery required. Have any of these Flat Earth morons played with like, Outerra or any of the other sims out there?
Milk-Man is a seeker of truth, and only respects true facts of reality heavily supported by overwhelming tangible evidence.

I am here to support Milk-Man, with an incredible video that fully supports everything he is saying in all aspects.

Don't worry, I got your back homey!

The same to you good sir. :)

And many blessings upon this thread as well.

Let me know if you need any more anal breathing videos.

I am sure I can find way more plus other totally cool stuff too.

I am good at this.
The Sun was record dead, huh? These guys almost make Tehvul sound smart.

Shut up stupid.

Maunder Minimum - Wikipedia



We will be experiencing another little ice age before we experience a full fledged ice age. You dumb niggas better invest in a good coat and basic arctic survival skills.
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I don't believe in god or the lack of a god. Prove me wrong. There is no truth but the present. The only lies are the lies people tell to discredit the other lies.