Well accepted lies masquerading as truth... Conspiracies?

People get really mad when you question their reality. I'm just looking for one obvious scientific explanation to disprove what's being said. If you can't then maybe ask yourself why not. If you can, please explain.
Cool, then it should be super easy for you to take any example and place it here. All examples posted in your link are easily debunked.
Cool, then it should be super easy for you to take any example and place it here. All examples posted in your link are easily debunked.

Those 10 in the link debunk pretty much everything in the 10 mins I watched of the two videos combined.

If they are easily debunked, please give us your evidence.
i would rank this on par with pizzagate level dumb

what fuzzy furry rating is that?

1. Stonehenge and most all other ancient/modern monuments were/are built along the planet's Telluric Current.

2. The planet is indeed round. Plenty of ways to verify for yourself.

3. Pizzagate is real. F.B.I. is actively investigating Alefantis.
it's somewhere between tele's understanding of climate science and haitian pizza pedo's that traffic orphans in underground dc tunnels to pizza parlors for satanic ritual murder practices while advertising the fact with secret pedo symbology and pizza code words

it's a narrow spectrum of dumb tho
One question that should be easily explained by science is why can we see buildings and other structures from 50+ miles away when mathematically speaking that's not possible? The curvature of the earth should make things entirely out of view yet that doesn't actually happen. Anyone have an answer?
name a reference point and the object 50 miles away which is visible when it shouldnt and then we can figure it out together
Anyone have an answer?

Easy answer is your math is wrong.

One question that should be easily explained by science is why can we see buildings and other structures from 50+ miles away when mathematically speaking that's not possible? The curvature of the earth should make things entirely out of view yet that doesn't actually happen.

Anyone who has lived in Fort Lauderdale, like I have, has probably seen Miami from Fort Lauderdale before like I have.

While you may see some of the tops of SKYSCRAPERS you sure as fuck do not see cars on the streets near the SKYSCRAPERS or people walking on the sidewalks near the SKYSCRAPERS.

The fact you do not see at street level is due to the planet being round. Not flat.

Edit: Being skeptical and questioning is a good thing. I personally wish more people would be. Just be mindful to not let emotion or the thoughts of others outweigh your own reason and logic.
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The mother of all deceptions? The earth is actually flat???

I've probably watched over 10 hours worth of these flat earth videos. If you've never looked into this before, go entertain yourself with some videos on youtube. See if you can disprove some, or any of the things people are saying. You really do need to have a genuine willing suspension of disbelief to really look into this, but soon you'll find it's pretty air tight. I keep trying but I can't find any science to disprove what is being said. Try it and tell me if I'm missing something obvious that proves this is utter nonsense.


its pretty easyto disprove for people who have flown around the world..... Not all Flights go in the same direction the earth spins lol.
they say to me for cpma sponsorship "but uve got to beat the children now @ their own game"

-no thats not how it works really but i mean i could if i was a try hard
it's somewhere between tele's understanding of climate science and haitian pizza pedo's that traffic orphans in underground dc tunnels to pizza parlors for satanic ritual murder practices while advertising the fact with secret pedo symbology and pizza code words

it's a narrow spectrum of dumb tho

as narrow as the buttocks of the young kids "you play with"