I bet =V= or 5150 couldn't play at this level.

I don't possess nearly the skill to post in this thread, but I'll offer you another point of view: Did Kami Rita get the fastest ascent with modern oxygen? How about studying legions of maps, and the result?
Rhetorical questions: did he have the ability to study multiple maps and a sherpa that had done it twice?

I don't Danno disagree at all, rtcll, and the rest are sharpened compared to Nat, slut, slam, and the rest. What I'm saying is the comparison to cl8mbers doing Mt Everest is emblematic of a cognitive problem and a perceived problem that shouldn't be.
Nice job studying the maps for some time, and then scrutinizing God knows how many demos you watched.

Yeah, you're better.
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Edit: people like blue nose, nat, and the rest watched their demos over and ov3r. I have to succumb.
I don't even mean it when I say I'm better.

I'm just flailing attempts at getting 1 or 2 top level HO's to come back and play our T2 game that is on life support.

In fact I consider myself a "B tier" HO that has "A tier" moments.
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I don't even mean it when I say I'm better.

I'm just flailing attempts at getting 1 or 2 top level HO's to come back and play our T2 game that is on life support.

In fact I consider myself a "B tier" HO that has "A tier" moments.

I'm not flaming you. You are better. My point is that you have been playing a game for 10 years instead of 2, and had a leg up watching demos that z0dd, Warnippile, and Elenex had no access.

You're a better player than them.

If you want a comparison, me, who had the vault of demos available, and had been playing since December of 1998, could pick the game up again, watch demos, train with you and rtcll for three weeks, and I still could not play at the level of 1999 Bourbon.

If Natural and the rest could somehow had the inclination to play for as long as you and I, and could go up against you and others in evenly matched teams, we would put the 'best of seven' match of all of you on pay-per-view, and make a squizillion dollars. Each.

Cliffs: sherpa Kami Rita (fastest Everest accent) is unknown to most, but Sir Edmund Hillary is household.
how about most trash brought down from everest?

that 1 is a worthwhile record 2 track, unlike the latest hare 2 enter the race vs. tortoise hillary
how about "fastest tourist"?

that way we can weed out the bitch made poseurs even more effectively u kno, add rainbow 2 that rainbow valley

bonus points 4 making ur sherpa work himself 2 death @ ur behest
The modern era t1 LT 5v5 players are way more skilled than prior generations, it's not even close. However, the player pool is small now maybe like 50-75 regular players. So it's easier now to be a top 5 or 10 player because there's only 50. If there was 1,000 people obviously being top 5 would actually mean more.

All the other tribes games and spinoffs are a joke so there basically is no competitive community of skilled players because none of the good ones wanna play those dogshit games.
The modern era t1 LT 5v5 players are way more skilled than prior generations, it's not even close. However, the player pool is small now maybe like 50-75 regular players. So it's easier now to be a top 5 or 10 player because there's only 50. If there was 1,000 people obviously being top 5 would actually mean more.

All the other tribes games and spinoffs are a joke so there basically is no competitive community of skilled players because none of the good ones wanna play those dogshit games.

The modern era t1 LT 5v5 players are way more skilled than prior generations, it's not even close.

wrong wrong 100% wrong.

Tribes base had depth from Inv stations, heavies, you name it. You couldn't just spawn 100x over with everything then fly around on routes those people before you made.

There has been map improvements and glitches worked out sure..but that doesn't mean for a second any "LT" is more skillful at all. LT means 5 people are exactly the same and can pass flags ski behind each other in a more coordinated fashion.

more skillful my ass.