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    Oblivion Newbie Help

    Ok, I just got the game a few days ago on steam as it was on sale. I know it's an old game but I'm fairly lost. Is there any friendly TW newbie guide for oblivion? I have some questions. I want to build a character that will be able to handle monsters + quests and not too difficult to play...
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    First manmade quantum machine recognized by Journal of Science as top invention 2010

    source A device that exists in two different states at the same time, and coincidentally proves that Albert Einstein was right when he thought he was wrong, has been named as the scientific breakthrough of the year. The machine, consisting of a sliver of wafer-thin metal, is the first man-made...
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    China first aircraft carrier in 2014 according to Japanese news

    source of the news You can obtain google translation, I'll provide cliffs Cliffs: China got an old Soviet aircraft carrier that should start service soon, probably 2012. China's own constructed aircraft carrier (probably based on the Soviet design) probably starts service in 2014. Japan is...
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    Diamond planet?

    Wasp 12b, a planet about 1200 light years away has been found to be rich in carbon. I know we've found carbon star as carbon fusion can occur if a star is big enough. Planning to propose to a girl, forget 3 months of wages, go over there and haul back a big chunk of diamond for a change :)...
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    Civilization 5

    Anyone playing it? Interested in multi-player? I played it for a bit after release, got most of the achievements. I like to play MP with fellow TW if possible. We can probably use IRC to coordinate or do it from this thread. I will try to idle in #Civ5 channel
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    [Game] grepolis

    Grepolis - The browser game set in Antiquity This is to separate out from the other thread, Any one interested? by telos - Page 8 - TribalWar Forums We can discuss tactics, strategy, etc. here. I'm on test server, I can tell you this, farm like crazy, build as many swordsman...
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    Tech Help: DSL problems

    Anyone here work for DSL/phone company? I've been having a lot of DSL issues for about a month and lately, it's becoming unbearable. I keep on losing connection. I called my DSL company and they sent me loaner modem and all, nothing is working. Sometimes my router can grab an IP from my DSL...
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    It actually pays...kinda surprised me. someone wired me 30 million isk by mistake, I returned it, he escrowed a ferox to me for free. I simply put myself in his shoes...30 million is a lot of isk to me and quite noticeable for my wallet (hard to ignore when your wallet can double or triple in...
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    0.0 alliance

    Ok, do you guys know ASCN or other alliances still taking corporations? I know a corporation trying to get into 0.0, they're composed mostly of newbies, their CEO is interested in ASCN but don't know how to apply or anything. Do you guys know if it's easy to get into ASCN, Huzzah, d2, NFC, Big...
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    staying or packing up and moving to new region? 8 new regions??? jeez
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    Can you give me yoru death email? List items that survived. Istaklain helped later and we killed the enemy. We recovered your can. Unofrtunately, since I also looted other cans, I have no idea what belonged to you. Please give me your list, I'll go through the loot and escrow or give to you...
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    when worlds collide lv 1 mission

    Ok, I died while tryign to do that mission, how the heck do you survive? I was in my merlin, it was simply taking too much damage too quickly :( Those pirates hit me for like 15, 18 points and they fire quick.... Worlds Collide Mission briefing Yes I have some work for you...
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    Complex/plex missions

    Anyone done them? As I start to read eve missions forum, I see people discuss them. Apparently, you can get some tech 2 or faction blue print copy from the drops and large scale battles can be part of the mission. It's similar to the newbie mission that it's a storyline. You also cannot...
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    Ship design tool

    Anyone know a good one? I fitted a merlin per some of your suggestion as my 1st frig, however, I discovered I can only put 1 standard missile launcher and 2 x 125mm railgun online. I was short on grid power :( Until I can train up my engineer (level 2 right now), I already have a PDS...
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    Can some kind soul please

    Give me a cliff on this FngrBANG & Miscarriage drama? I have been quite busy and haven't had the time to read about it. Was it true FngrBANG had a miscarriage? Was it real or fake? thanks
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    Wheel of Time may not finish :( Dear Locus, I have been diagnosed with amyloidosis. That is a rare blood disease which affects only 8 people out of a million each year, and those 8 per million are divided among 22 distinct forms of amyloidosis. They are distinct...
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    Student sentenced to 1 month in jail for party at his home Mike Herchenbach was sure he would get a fine. He’d pay a couple hundred dollars, like his roommates, and go on with his life, even though he wasn’t at the party that got out of hand at his rental house. After...
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    60 minutes "homosexuality study report" on Mar. 12, 2006

    It's scary how early you can tell a child is probably going to be a gay/lesbian as early as 2 years old.... Until 60 minutes showed me some of thsoe studies, I did not notice how we can tell gay & straight people fairly easily under some conditions, the differences were so clear, it was scary...
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    Parrot exposed cheating gf LONDON, England -- A computer programmer found out his girlfriend was having an affair when his pet parrot kept repeating her lover's name, British media reported Tuesday. The African grey parrot kept squawking "I love you, Gary"...
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    Civ4: hardest level won?

    So far, the best I've done is conquest victory on immortal level, map size duel, 1 AI civ. I tried deity level a few times, never won :( Also, anyone know how to get culture or diplomacy victory for levels above noble? I can only win by conquest on harder level it seems :(