Search results

  1. L

    [Advice] Moving to Madison

    So I got a job offer from UW-Madison (lol party school, farmers markets, Scott Walker [sucks/rocks] my dick- delete as appropriate, etc. etc.) and I don't know much about Madison (see above). I need some seasoned Madisonians to give me some facts from the ground. What do you like / dislike...
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    Chicago ISPs

    So I'm moving to the far north side of Chicago (Rogers Park) soon and the general consensus on the interwebs seems to be that AT&T, Comcast, and RCN all suck balls. Can someone who isn't some idiot on Yelp please tell me which one sucks the least?
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    [Travel]Getting a laptop vs. shipping my desktop

    So I'm planning on traveling a bit for the next couple years (living in Thailand for about 6 months, will go on trips occasionally with Bangkok as my home base, then I'm off to grad school) and I was wondering if it'd be worth it to buy a laptop for portability, or if shipping my desktop would...
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    [acid][video]Drinking out of Cups

    This was made a while ago but I searched and found nothing: skCV2L0c6K0
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    Telling your kids about Santa

    What do you guys think? Is it immoral to play into this lie and take steps to convince your children that Santa is real, only to have them disappointed? Should we just tell them that Santa isn't real, and that we bought them their presents? Does the disappointment (the realization that this...
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    [pics] 3 months in Thailand

    Well, I'm not a frequent poster but I figured this deserves a thread. Some people give Thailand a bad reputation, but as a half-Thai 20 year old who just spent his entire summer in his mother's homeland, I figured I might as well help to give you guys a different perspective on this smelly...
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    NVIDIA and AMD Conspire to Fuck Us Over! :disgust:
  8. L

    [NWS]Do you smoke after sex?

    or during?... or just smoke instead of having sex all together? [NWS] "it doesn't yellow your teeth" just yellows ovaries, amirite?
  9. L

    Girl Problems Inspire School Attack Plot I'm glad a lot of you just post your e-girlfriend troubles here instead of shooting up schools. The others either just keep it inside or... well... has anyone seen Kurayamaguchi lately?
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    [Shmokey]Weed + Vicodin

    I tried mixing in some vicodin with weed the other night, and it was a fantastic experience. Just a few hits of the stuff and I literally just stood there for 10 minutes staring at the ground. It definitely mellows you out and makes you feel generally numb, and usually weed makes my mind race...
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    12 oz. Mouse

    Anyone else see that 12 oz. Mouse show on Adult Swim tonight from like 12 AM - 4 AM? And subsequently laugh hysterically for some unknown fucking reason? Has this show existed before? I thought it was hilarious, I couldn't tell whether I was missing some complicated plot or if there was no plot...
  12. L

    Windows taskbar clock going back

    My clock has been doing this for a while, but now it's causing problems. It keeps going back an hour randomly, and it's made me lose sleep and run late. Has anyone else had this problem? (XP Pro, sp2)
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    Hit It Or Not[semi-jailbait]

    This is for a friend actually She turns 18 on June 3. Bisexual potsmoking party chick who he hears gives good head (on the right)
  14. L

    [Anime].hack// Order

    Is there any specific order I should watch these series in? As in .hack//Sign before .hack//Legend or something?
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    World's First Cell Phone Virus
  16. L

    Am I insane?

    or is Rich (aka Terra) a picky bitch? Miss Ukraine Lionel: she is hot hot hot though Rich: no.. Rich: shes average at best Rich: her face is fucking flat as hell Rich: and her nose is too long Lionel: *sigh* Rich: i find her unattractive. Rich: im not pretending Lionel: you, sir, are insane...
  17. L

    [Doom 3]Did you scream like a little fucking girl?

    because this guy did. He fucking freaks out and almost falls out of his chair many, many times while clenching his face in horror.
  18. L

    Removing CD Scratches

    I noticed the other day that my FF9 CDs for PS2 were really scratched up. During the movies, when the CD needs to be read, the game freezes or gets really choppy. I googled scratch removal kits to see how much they cost, and I found this site claiming that you can remove scratches without buying...
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    "Package Version Mismatch"

    [BUG] Package Version Mismatch When I tried to join the Impulse East server I got the error message, "Package 'MP-Cavern' version mismatch." I clicked on "Check for Updates", and I have the latest version of T:V. Anyone know what the problem is?
  20. L

    New LAN Staple Snack

    A couple friends and I went to Frys to look around, and at the checkout we found our new LAN staple: Shock-A-Lots. Our old staple was Bawls, pringles, and sometimes ho-hos. Imagine this: chocolate covered coffee beans. Our gamer group is no stranger to caffeine. We make regular Bawls runs to...