Modern Warfare 2 PC: No dedicated servers.

They said they do not know if they will be a Dedicated Server in the future...WTF who wants to wait to play 6-8 months from now because there lazy ass's didnt release a dedicated server file.
what they dont realize is this. PC gamers are not by definition casual gamers. We are not blind. We check message boards and news sites. Console gamers dont do this to the extent we do.

This news is going to spread and fast. And once it does it is going to KILL the sales for the PC version of the game. Most pc users are not going to stand for this. It is a slap in the face to what made IW the company it is today. Call of duty started on the pc. And now they are turning their back on us.

I have personally talked to clans that have all decided to cancel their preorders. This game will not sell well on pc at all. The community will not be there. Clans will stay with cod4.

Hopefully once they realize this they will patch in dedicated servers and remove this IWnet shit.
infinity ward doesn't give a shit about faggots who want to nerf the shit out of their game with scripts and shitty server side code

nor do they give a shit about pc sales

although this change will not make a god damned difference aside from the hundred faggots who can't deal with a game that doesn't scream out "HUMILIATION" when they get a headshot
I was really asking Tahnit.

When you're saying things like "it's a slap in the face" and "turning their back on us" when referring to a video game company that is doing something you don't agree with, it's probably time to get a new hobby.
red faction
now this

fps games on pc are dying, but that doesn't really matter since they're mostly just bad ports
infinity ward doesn't give a shit about faggots who want to nerf the shit out of their game with scripts and shitty server side code

nor do they give a shit about pc sales

although this change will not make a god damned difference aside from the hundred faggots who can't deal with a game that doesn't scream out "HUMILIATION" when they get a headshot

That isnt what it is about. Mods are about making the game better for competitive play. Stuff like pausing matches, restricting certain perks, shoutcasting, ect.

Dedicated servers are how clans survive. It is why i have favorite servers to go to to meet up with the same people.
That isnt what it is about. Mods are about making the game better for competitive play. Stuff like pausing matches, restricting certain perks, shoutcasting, ect.

uh yeah, nerfing the shit out of the game that they intended to be played a certain way

you turned your back on them by changing their game!!
yeah i bet they break that

in fact, i bet you buy this game a week after its released because pc gaming is so fuckin dead you are that desperate
I think this is great news. Everyone is going to steal the game and play on cracked servers.

$50 saved, thanks Infinity Ward!
That isnt what it is about. Mods are about making the game better for competitive play. Stuff like pausing matches, restricting certain perks, shoutcasting, ect.

Dedicated servers are how clans survive. It is why i have favorite servers to go to to meet up with the same people.

I think you're talking to a bunch of console players who apparently didn't play tribes either.

No dedicated servers and no mods = no competition. Since a lot of people who play PC over the consoles do it for this, this is a big deal.
I still can't bring myself to buy an FPS for a console. There are so many things that feel wrong about it. I've played them on consoles before (Halo 3 wasn't too bad, for a Halo game) and it's not like I went from being a good FPS player to a horrible one. It just didn't feel right.

The opposite is true for some other games. I had a 360 PC controller for Prototype. I use it for Arkham Asylum too. I think both games would have been inferior with the keyboard and mouse.

But an FPS... just can't do it.

BTW - Goodluck to the Sharkies tonight. Should smoke the Islanders. Then again, if they suffer from the same problem as Anaheim, they will play like shit against shitty teams and great against the good ones. What the fuck is up with that? I want to go down to the rink and uh... talk very sternly to the professional hockey players.

Yeah, I'm no fool. Even the ones who are 5'9" would probably be able to beat the shit out of me. They are professional fucking athletes, and what have I got for experience? AAA. Wooptie-fucking-do.

sj just tied it up middle of 2nd period