Zero Dark Thirty

oh good!

I don't know why I spent the time to go through that brainwashing. But the raid scene was kind of exciting I guess.
yall need 2 ask urselfs how the russians managed to catch so many american spy's during the cold war, and no it wasn't because they coddled them or put them in cushy cells
yall need 2 ask urselfs how the russians managed to catch so many american spy's during the cold war, and no it wasn't because they coddled them or put them in cushy cells

Russian pussy

thought this was pretty boring to be honest

It played off the media frenzy about torture for the first 90% of the movie thats about it. the characters weren't interesting to me at all.

also...yeah lets have a female agent go in and try to interrogate and intimidate these guys who are born and bred to believe that females are basically slaves. Not sure how much of this is supposed to be a true story, but I doubt they had a female doing that sort of stuff with these terrorists IRL.