Your City of Heroes (CoH) Name List

Ronnie Dobbs said:
when some just spawn by him or something you mean?

somewhat related, have you guys ever seen mobs actually spawning? i've seen an area clear of mobs then come back a few seconds later and they've spawned there but i've never actually seen them materialize in front of you like some other mmo games do.. am i just missing it?

I've seen mobs despawn before, like when clockworks in certain areas are only out at night. I got in too deep with my controller and had to hotfoot it out of there with them right on my tail. took a wrong turn so i figured i would go down fighting, they got one electric blast off and then just up and faded away.

Time limit or no, i'll take being saved from debt that way.
Smurf said:
If i only had say, a half hr a day sometimes an hr to play, would it be worth the trouble?

I saw a guy who hit max level (lv 40 at the moment) and he said it took 152 hours. That actually sounds pretty short for an mmorpg, and obviously you don't necessarily have to max out your character for it to be fun.
The guy who hti 40 in that amount of time basically said he was an blaster assault rifle/devices using the caltrops, ignite, and super speed to power his way through the game.
i've probably hit about 60 or so hours with one of my chars, I doubt i'll make 40 before about 250-350
T w i z t i D said:
target left me in over 10k debt

wtf were you guys doin hk?
best quote of the night:

*in an indoor mission, target pulls half of one of those huuuuge rooms over to the other half, after i had spend a good 5 minutes keeping them at bay until the first half was taken care of*
HK: now why would you go and do something like that
Target: i mis-targeted.
rest of group: rofl
i got 1k debt for my lvl 16 energy device blaster. but that was becuse i couldn't get healed fast enough. (fighting nothing but red/purple. but it's not that big a deal sincei have only had the game about a week and 2 days and am already at lvl 16
HelenKeller said:
best quote of the night:

*in an indoor mission, target pulls half of one of those huuuuge rooms over to the other half, after i had spend a good 5 minutes keeping them at bay until the first half was taken care of*
HK: now why would you go and do something like that
Target: i mis-targeted.
rest of group: rofl

i was ready to kill him :|
game blows until you get to 14, then you get travel powers, and its fun. flying seems so useless compared to sj and ss

btw, teleporting teammates in the air in perez park when they don't have hover into a group of hydras = classic

i'm working on a healer, have a lvl 20 rifle/dev guy on infinity, working on my lvl 16 healer now, which takes forrreeeevvveeerrr, i'm always at the mercy of a party, but the quick way to do it is get with a party killing guys 2-3 lvls above you, you just gotta have all sorts of origin enhancements in your heals and you keep up easy.
Was in a group yesterday that the guy needed a tank badly, he kept trying to get me to join some supergroup he was making. So as we went along he kept recruiting people and I kept on tanking for him until finally the whole group, save me, is joined up with his little crew.

We get into Steel Canyon and he's going on about his crew and saying maybe if they all wear their team colors I'll decide to join.

I told him thank you, but no, since i'm already in Victory Through Shenanigans.

So they decided at that point that they had enough people of their own group and kicked me from the team.

I'm thinking 'whatever', but isnce I havent been playing Shazbot much he's only level 11 still, so i'm REAL careful making it back from the heart of the SC to the monorail back home.

Heh, just as I arrive at the station he's on broadcast bitching that his tank left him (gee, I wonder why) nd they were the guests of honor at a Tsoo skewer party.

Last night I finally got my original character to lvl14. So now I am having fun with the super jump. I have 2 alts I started. My Fire/Fire Tanker is almost lvl15, and my third character I just started this week.

I have been sick all week with some crazy flu, so I made a Mind Control/Empathy Controller named after my favorite medicine NyQuil. NyQuil-Man is lvl 6 at the moment. All characters on Pinnacle.
Tank Lee
Fuck smashing/meat shield/cannon fodder tanker. My super group is mostly blasters so I just get in close and take hits and do damage while our healer takes care of me. Its funny seeing 1 tanker and then 3 or 4 flying blasters behind him.