Your City of Heroes (CoH) Name List

Smurf said:
If i only had say, a half hr a day sometimes an hr to play, would it be worth the trouble?

A half hour is kind of short but it can be done.

You could do the following in very little time.

1. Just kill guys on the street.

This is fast. Find people and kill them. You can get some work done in 30mins

2. Missions

You get a mission and run your ass over to the waypoint, pop in and kill. These range from 30mins to around an hour.

3. Group Street Kiilling

If you stay in a good zone for your level (say 7 - 9 for perez park) and just ask for a pick up group you would have a chance to play in 30mins (but i doubt it, theres always some delay in grouping).

4. Group Missions

Don't bother, even with an hour its not going to work. By the time everyone gets to the waypoint, gets more inspirations, clears old contacts... blah blah an hour just won't be enough.

Now if you knock up the time to 1.5 to 2 hours you would be golden for group stuff.
I think the biggest problem with this game is the drastic increase in the experience curve in the mid teens.

In DaoC, with a good group it would only take an hour or two a level well into the 20's. In CoH, it seems like once you hit level 10 you go from about an hour a level to 3 hours+ a level.
Bridude said:
you guys ever see a guy afk then agro a mob near them?
when some just spawn by him or something you mean?

somewhat related, have you guys ever seen mobs actually spawning? i've seen an area clear of mobs then come back a few seconds later and they've spawned there but i've never actually seen them materialize in front of you like some other mmo games do.. am i just missing it?
Ronnie Dobbs said:
when some just spawn by him or something you mean?

somewhat related, have you guys ever seen mobs actually spawning? i've seen an area clear of mobs then come back a few seconds later and they've spawned there but i've never actually seen them materialize in front of you like some other mmo games do.. am i just missing it?

heh Ive had a perez park gang of thugs appear right next to me while I was resting. Thank goodness for caltrops.
yeah, if you think the level grind in the teens is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet

There are a bunch of new villains once you make it to independence port and Talos Island. Nevermind Terra Volta and Dark Astoria. There's a brief period where you're fighting the same shit, but it gets better.

The fact that i need over 80,000 xp to make 26, however, is not fucking cool.
T w i z t i D said:
yeah, if you think the level grind in the teens is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet

There are a bunch of new villains once you make it to independence port and Talos Island. Nevermind Terra Volta and Dark Astoria. There's a brief period where you're fighting the same shit, but it gets better.

The fact that i need over 80,000 xp to make 26, however, is not fucking cool.

I was sidekicking with target in Talos. After about 30 secs it feels the same as any other city except for the villians.
Well, there's certainly some weird shit when you fight banished pantheon or devouring earth

plus, when you fight some higher level 5th column lieutentants, they'll turn into a werewolf after you kill them, which is pretty f'n cool.
I guess the level grind might not be so bad if I didn't plan my hero to take a bunch of passive powers. I haven't gotten a power that's cast during combat for 8 levels.
haven't seen you on in a while fool.

I agree, playing defenders and controllers probably gets really boring at the higher levels because you can't attack shit, so you're at the mercy of grouping.

I've done the vast majority of my lvl'ing by solo'ing missions, and its been fun.
I've been playing Alts, seeing if there's anything I like better. My fire/energy blaster is kinda cool.