You raff yuo roose v.3871

Resonation? Nah, just a ton of niggers jumping at a single time on a floor that's not capable of taking it.
need more bridges not walls




Libertarian Screams At Everyone Who Shakes His Hand During Church Greeting Time | The Babylon Bee
Libertarian Screams 'Am I Being Detained?!' At Everyone Who Shakes His Hand During Church Greeting Time

BOSTON, MA—Clad in his favorite Sunday Gadsden flag T-shirt, local libertarian believer John Revere reportedly screamed, “AM I BEING DETAINED!?!” to every person who attempted to shake his hand during the greeting time at Beech Reformed Church over the weekend.

He bellowed the phrase at the top of his lungs to each of the fourteen people who happily greeted him and grabbed his hand during the mandatory time of saying hello, witnesses confirmed.

“Hi, how was your we—” one man said just before Revere replied “AM I BEING DETAINED? AM I BEING DETAINED? AM I BEING DETAINED?” repeatedly before the man finally scurried away in a fright. Several other victims followed, each one immediately rebuffed by Revere’s rock-solid strategy of ensuring his person or property wouldn’t be unlawfully searched or seized.

“You can’t be too careful,” he said. “Deep-state government shills are everywhere, and as soon as you let your guard down, you find yourself in a dungeon getting waterboarded at Guantanamo Bay.”

At publishing time, Revere had signed up for the monthly potluck using a fake name and identity so that he wouldn’t be put into “the system,” as well as tithed his 10% to the church using an untrackable crypto-currency, sources confirmed.

Kindergartner parties alone after no one shows up to birthday bash


Even free pizza couldn’t attract any pint-size partygoers for a 6-year-old’s birthday.

An Arizona mom says none of her son’s kindergarten friends showed up to his birthday party — after she sent 32 invitations to his classmates.

The boy, Teddy, held a birthday bash on Sunday at Peter Piper Pizza in Tucson, where he and his mother, Sil Mazzini, had been expecting dozens of little girls and boys — as well as the children’s parents — to join them at the restaurant. Mazzini said a few people told her in advance that they couldn’t make it, but she wasn’t prepared for everyone to be no-shows.

“I’m done with parties for a while,” Mazzini told KNXV.

Mom did some damage to the pizza though
that is y the kids (and the parents of the kids) who get shot at school are totally fucking asking 4 it

god bless u, eric harris - u did the needful
this is why communities fall apart
wtf is wrong with everyone
kid in my school throwing a party, fuck him though!

proximity matters for better or worse people reeeeeeetc