You raff yuo roose v.3871


Kindergartner parties alone after no one shows up to birthday bash


Mom did some damage to the pizza though

When I lived in Chattanooga, a little girl in my daughters 2nd grade class invited all the girls to a bowling birthday party. My daughter was the only one that showed up. The mother almost started crying because she was happy someone came.

Southern hospitality my ass. Most stuck up bitches ever.
Gotta be fake news.

This is why you shouldn't be so goddam stupid to send out 32 invitations.

4 -5 'best' friends is much better, then it is easier to nail the parents down as well.

I still don't believe this shit unless it was held on Christmas day or something.
When I lived in Chattanooga, a little girl in my daughters 2nd grade class invited all the girls to a bowling birthday party. My daughter was the only one that showed up. The mother almost started crying because she was happy someone came.

Southern hospitality my ass. Most stuck up bitches ever.

If class invitations go out, bring your kid to chuck e cheese. This screens parents don't like each other. Poor kid.

Good for you
Assange Hearing Halted to Find Translator Fluent in ‘Australian'

The first hearing in Julian Assange’s lawsuit against Ecuador’s Foreign Affairs Ministry was suspended as the WikiLeaks founder was unable to understand his translator, and the judge called for a replacement fluent in “Australian.”

Speaking from Ecuador’s Embassy in London via Skype, Assange said the court-appointed translation service was “not good enough.” Judge Karina Martinez said that it was indispensable that Assange testify, and said the court had erred by appointing a translator who only spoke English, apparently under the impression that Australian dialect is unintelligible to other anglophones.

Assange filed the suit against Foreign Minister Jose Valencia last week, saying that new rules being imposed on him at the London embassy violate his constitutional rights. Assange, an Ecuadorian citizen since December, could be expelled from the embassy should he fail to comply with the new rules, which say he must refrain from commenting on politics, and clear any visitors with the embassy three working days in advance.