Wisconsin Labor Rally Pictures

You're entitled to your opinion. You're also blocked on fb and I'm giving you notice that you have drunk-dialed me for the last time. You do it again, and the recording will go here. Other than that, don't ever speak to me again- we meet in real life, it's not going to go well for either of us.

Wow mr.angrypants, did you fall off the wagon? (I just spoke to you again)

Edit: Guess who did the personal attack
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During the phone-conversation Walker thought he was having with David Koch, he said that "we had thought about" sending agitators into the rally. This is a state governor that said he considered hiring thugs to turn on his constituents, because it could have moved his agenda forward.
I have "thought about" all kinds of fucked up shit. If the governor hadn't thought about possible responses to the protest on his own, I would hope he would have staff that would bring options to him. I imagine the unions are "thinking about" leaving people without police and fire protection to move their agenda forward.

Your position will be stronger if you stick to legitimate points.
You're entitled to your opinion. You're also blocked on fb and I'm giving you notice that you have drunk-dialed me for the last time. You do it again, and the recording will go here. Other than that, don't ever speak to me again- we meet in real life, it's not going to go well for either of us.

fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
fight fight
vanster i think unions have way too much power, especially in the public sector where politicians have a conflict of interest between keeping their employees happy and keeping the books happy. good for him breaking

that being said as with all things in politics, let the side with the majority win and the losers move on, for a few years anyways.

ps, good post
i think unions are on the same lines as tenure

fundamentally flawed but if i have the chance to get it i would

lol scooby u think u can fight me ive seen ur pic
vanster i think unions have way too much power, especially in the public sector where politicians have a conflict of interest between keeping their employees happy and keeping the books happy. good for him breaking

that being said as with all things in politics, let the side with the majority win and the losers move on, for a few years anyways.

ps, good post

The problem is, the Unions have a 'good thing' going with the Democrats. They give donations to the Democrats in order for the Democrats to be elected and the Democrats find a way to keep the Unions happy, usually by screwing the tax payer.
News article without much bias in it--pretty much facts only: In Wisconsin, the real struggle is over power
Come now. I'm a lefty, but even I can tell that has plenty of slant. Isn't it possible that employee pensions and health care are being reconsidered because their growth slope is unsustainable? Could it be the poor people are hurt by budget cuts because much of the budget is devoted to assisting poor people?

The article has a point of view worth some consideration, but let's not pretend it's straight up neutral.
The problem is, the Unions have a 'good thing' going with the Democrats. They give donations to the Democrats in order for the Democrats to be elected and the Democrats find a way to keep the Unions happy, usually by screwing the tax payer.
the interesting thing is that we inadvertently pay the Democrats to elected because we pay these public employee's through our tax dollars which they end up giving to the Democrats through union dues to get elected.
I have "thought about" all kinds of fucked up shit. If the governor hadn't thought about possible responses to the protest on his own, I would hope he would have staff that would bring options to him. I imagine the unions are "thinking about" leaving people without police and fire protection to move their agenda forward.

Your position will be stronger if you stick to legitimate points.

Yeah, but he admitted out loud that he'd thought about it. It's not like thinking "I'd like to wring so-and-so's neck" and then going on. . .it's something he discussed doing. "We thought about it."

As far as the firefighters and cops, none of them have missed work to protest yet. Teachers have, and some others I think. So far I think the Unions have been pretty on the level here. The only dirty tricks played have been that blogger guy that pretended to be David Koch, and the 14 senators that left the state so the Republicans would have no quorum.

Walker continues to say that most of the protesters are out of state people . .I guess that's not a dirty trick as much as it is just a lie that sounds plausible to anyone that isn't here. Anyone that is actually here knows that there are hardly any people from out of state.


Cops have been amazing through all of this. Their conduct has been exemplary. There has been about about 500 of them each day, and I haven't seen any heavy-handedness at all.


No matter what side you're on, I think it's cool that parents are bringing their kids to this.


Isn't it possible that employee pensions and health care are being reconsidered because their growth slope is unsustainable? Could it be the poor people are hurt by budget cuts because much of the budget is devoted to assisting poor people?

Even though we took less wages in exchange for the benefits and pensions we have, we've offered to give him everything he's asked monetarily, if he will remove the part banning unions from collective bargaining. He said no. This is not about repairing the budget.

As far as poor people go, I don't know any that are in unions. We are middle class, all of us. We work hard, and we all have jobs that need to be done. It's not like a bunch of stock-brokers or used car salesmen are threatening to strike here. It's construction workers, machinists, truckers, welders, teachers, nurses--there have been a few hobos wandering around, mostly to get some of the food inside, but the police are escorting them back out as soon as they see them.
the interesting thing is that we inadvertently pay the Democrats to elected because we pay these public employee's through our tax dollars which they end up giving to the Democrats through union dues to get elected.

yeah, that's pretty much what I said. Even worse is that students are taught by these Union loving teachers who speak out against business. I call it a conflict of interest when you teach children to hate Republicans because Democrats and Unions pay you to.
Walker continues to say that most of the protesters are out of state people . .I guess that's not a dirty trick as much as it is just a lie that sounds plausible to anyone that isn't here. Anyone that is actually here knows that there are hardly any people from out of state.


That really does have to be the dumbest thing ever. I'm not sure what the big deal is. Unions gave way more than the Koch Brothers to their candidates in Wisconsin.

What's it like being funded by a Union 'business', Vanster?
well shit

I guess I have to scratch off "Go up to see Lavan when Scoobs is in town" on things to do this summer
  • Workers in America have the right to form unions that will collectively bargain for contracts. Some workers are happy without unions (Coors beer for example), but they are always free to form one if they wish. This bill would make it law that the unions in which state employees are members would not be allowed to collectively bargain.

Wrong. Showing that you are pretty ignorant about unions. Unions didn't start after having specific provisions in laws granting them power. You always have the right to collectively bargain if you so choose. What this bill does, as does any bill 'stripping collective bargaining rights', is that the state is no longer forced to enter negotitions if it chooses not to. Furthermore, individuals can choose to opt if they want to bargain individual. So the bill increases the rights of taxpayers as they are not forced to make concessions, and increases the rights of employees as they are not forced to support a union, while the rights of the unions has not changed. Does this change their bargaining power in the future? Yes. Their rights... no.

America's future is being taught by libtards that have no idea of the meaning of rights. And with that, I'll close with a quote from the godfather of liberal politics
FDR said:
All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations.

Yeah, FDR thought public employee unions were bullshit.