Wife is out of town

so... you are staying home like a good husband, renting movies and falling a sleep on the couch...

or... you could go out to the bar, get drunk, maybe in a fight, limp home or get a DUI or, taxi it. i prefer the taxi method.
No wife and no kids means you can lay around in your underwear eating pizza and icecream and playing videogames all day. Thats what I plan to do after my parents leave.

pics of your wife bongwora

also damn...I'm 23 and nowhere near thinking of marriage. You gave me the shivers

25 is still close enough to where you can still do 21 year old things and its not creepy.

dont try it in your 30's cause then its just creepy.

:lol: Ever heard of the phrase " Girls like older guys"?

I am 30 and I can nail 21 year old's and feel just fine thanks :)

It is sad when you are 30 with no hope of fucking anyone close to 21- then it is creepy.

I look 22 ;)
Sunday afternoon football starts at 3pm EST.
Get Pizza at noon from a real place. Stop at the grocery store and pick up plenty of beer. Start drinking when the game starts. There's a game at 3pm and 06:40pm. Munch on the food to kill the buzz munchies. Drink water when going to bed and you won't have a hang over for Monday morning work. Since you don't have to share the food with the kids, get something you want, like a super spicy pizza or burrito from a Mexican joint.
Sunday afternoon football starts at 3pm EST.
Get Pizza at noon from a real place. Stop at the grocery store and pick up plenty of beer. Start drinking when the game starts. There's a game at 3pm and 06:40pm. Munch on the food to kill the buzz munchies. Drink water when going to bed and you won't have a hang over for Monday morning work. Since you don't have to share the food with the kids, get something you want, like a super spicy pizza or burrito from a Mexican joint.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Never gets old... ever hahahahhahah
Jesus fuck. I'm 21 and am one of the few bachelors left in my highschool class. I plan to happily show up at the 10 year reunion single. Marry and have kids at 30 is more like it.
Sunday afternoon football starts at 3pm EST.
Get Pizza at noon from a real place. Stop at the grocery store and pick up plenty of beer. Start drinking when the game starts. There's a game at 3pm and 06:40pm. Munch on the food to kill the buzz munchies. Drink water when going to bed and you won't have a hang over for Monday morning work. Since you don't have to share the food with the kids, get something you want, like a super spicy pizza or burrito from a Mexican joint.

That would be so fucking sweet.