why do gay people exist

Basically, good does not exist without evil. The only difference is now people celebrate evil as a lifestyle.
wikipedia said:
Male bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are sexually attracted to any newly fed individual and this results in homosexual mounting. This occurs in heterosexual mounting by the traumatic insemination in which the male pierces the female abdomen with his needle-like penis. In homosexual mating this risks abdominal injuries as males lack the female counteradaptive spermalege structure. Males produce alarm pheromones to reduce such homosexual mating.

How dare they move to a community. Then make it safer, and increase the property value. Such progress must not be tolerated.

TV has done a good job of brainwashing you and your generation. Real life fags are degenerate, homeless, disease ridden, pieces of shit. They don't raise property values. They destroy communities. But, a few Hollywood fags are great, so every disease ridden fag is great. Solid logic.

The faggot is the enemy of civilization. Civilized man depends upon strict moral codes that produce progeny. The faggot is opposition. Whether genetic or environmental, the faggot is a disease brought on by weakening moral standards and narcissism. In other words, the end of civilization.
TV has done a good job of brainwashing you and your generation. Real life fags are degenerate, homeless, disease ridden, pieces of shit. They don't raise property values. They destroy communities. But, a few Hollywood fags are great, so every disease ridden fag is great. Solid logic.

The faggot is the enemy of civilization. Civilized man depends upon strict moral codes that produce progeny. The faggot is opposition. Whether genetic or environmental, the faggot is a disease brought on by weakening moral standards and narcissism. In other words, the end of civilization.

Except I don't watch TV. Like for real don't watch TV so rest assured my thinking is my own. Unlike you I use observation in order to formulate opinion.

alright jim enough.

Do you have kids? Do you want kids? That's not fair. Once the faggots have their way destroying every last vestige of Western Civilization, they will stop you from procreating. They will require a government license. They will require you raise your child according to the education they deem necessary and important, which is basically every great historical figure was a fag and sexualization of children.

There is no moral code for a fag. They are the butchers of civilization. There is no future, no growth, no hope. They survive by destroying. And young people have been brainwashed to think they are okay, even great. Bigotry! they exclaim. Sorry, no. Faggots are enemies of families, enemies of religion, enemies of nation-states, enemies of civilization.
Do you have kids? Do you want kids? That's not fair. Once the faggots have their way destroying every last vestige of Western Civilization, they will stop you from procreating. They will require a government license. They will require you raise your child according to the education they deem necessary and important, which is basically every great historical figure was a fag and sexualization of children.

There is no moral code for a fag. They are the butchers of civilization. There is no future, no growth, no hope. They survive by destroying. And young people have been brainwashed to think they are okay, even great. Bigotry! they exclaim. Sorry, no. Faggots are enemies of families, enemies of religion, enemies of nation-states, enemies of civilization.

Yes I have kids. Fags are not destroying civilization. The bankers and their bosses are. Fags have no desire to stop procreation and understand straight folks are the ones creating gay babies so by all means feel free to breed away. Dude stop watching MSNBC. That shit is propaganda designed to get you all riled up that way you don't have time to figure out who your real enemy is.

Love more than you hate, and create more than you destroy is my moral code so for you to say fags have no moral code has little relation to fact. The future is what you make of it. Growth as far as? Cause growth is dependant upon the individual when it comes down to it. A fag can't cause you to lose hope. Only you can. So place blame where blame resides.

I happen to consider family extremely important but unfortunately not everyone shares my sentiments. I do agree there is brainwashing/propaganda going on and I do not condone it. I am against gay marriage and I think gays should not be granted any privileges not available to everyone. I can't speak for others but what is in the Bill of Rights is just fine with me.
the progressives destroy everything they get involved in and once the homos allowed the progressives to enter into their lives, they ruined it for the whole world.
how much longer do you think it will take for the NFL to celebrate homo month and make all the players wear rainbow socks, gloves, shoes and the ref's throw rainbow flags?

im 80% done with the NFL as it is so when they do this, forget it.
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

study: Genetic dissection of sexual orientation: behav... [Neurosci Res. 1996] - PubMed - NCBI

But I'm not done sciencing up this thread yet:

Cliff notes:
- "hereditary trait" doesn't mean what you think it means
- environmental effects can alter behavior from just about the day of conception
- some of these changes can trigger further behavioral changes in offspring
- some hereditary traits may be the result of environmental effects on an ancestor, and have nothing to do with neither the genetics nor the environment of the individual

you sir, are a living Bill Nye god guy
Gay-hating is really obnoxious

I mean how fucking hard is it to ask your bud if he's talked to any cute guys lately as opposed to cute girls

Because that's literally the only fucking difference it will ever make to your life