Why do a majority of mass school shootings happen in Democratic states?

:rofl: Except Israel is under constant threat from neighbors, and has a mandatory military enlistment policy, thereby making most citizens capable of wielding firearms.

The United States is in a totally different situation.

Oh, and I bet teachers in Israel are probably paid a lot better than they are here.
kanukistan is very liberal (compared to the states) and the last mass school shooting i can remember was in the late 80's. some guy shot 20+ girls in montreal, he was fighting feminism
That is an interesting correlation you seem to have spotted.

Here's other one to chew on: in most of the school shootings, I've noticed that guns were involved.
Right wingers living in blue states tend to get pissed off at state/local government and end up carrying out mass shootings.
causation does not equal correlation.

but you do make a point. if i was going to shoot some children, i'd do it in a state where the likelihood of someone being armed at the scene was virtually zero.
Is this the thread where we state random facts and imply causation to a national tragedy?

Fact: There are lots of gun manufacturers in CT