Why do a majority of mass school shootings happen in Democratic states?


Veteran XV
The last one i can remember happening in a Republican state is Jonesboro Arkansas in the late 90's.. im not a political person but i was reading a article about past mass shootings in schools and couldnt help but notice they are not happening in Red states. diskuzz..
its because in most red states children believe in god and god doesn't let shit like this happen to his own

blame the parents for not instilling religion into them from birth
im pretty sure there have been like two or three school shootings here in houston in the last two years alone

I thought texas was one state that allowed teachers to carry with permit...

can't remember exactly thought I read somewhere they decided that after one of the school shootings there.

But really the last thing you want is a stressed out high school teacher carrying, have you seen some the crap these teens pull now-a-days, they are freaking down right beyond disrespectful.

Teacher pushed over the edge by crappy student... aims,"you are now suspended, permanently"

the "conservatives" who reside there are only one last straw from this at all times, lose an election cycle and Katie bar the doors
Teacher pushed over the edge by crappy student... aims,"you are now suspended, permanently"


i want 2 c arnold say that line as an aged high school chemistry teacher in a movie about a lone hero [arnold] stopping a mass school shooting