Who's picking up Final Fantasy 13 tonight?

i haven't even played any since 7

i watched a room mate play 10 briefly but it looked lame and he gave up on the game not long after
I just saw 2 commercials for this and it makes me never want to play it. Some shitty pop song and a quick cutscene of lame characters. Final Fantasy characters are horrible now
with ffviii/ffix and up, everything became very linear and confined. i could no longer go adventuring through a gigantic world on a ship, airship, or any other vehicle or vessel. to me, that's what gives it that feeling that it's nothing more than movie where you just press a button all the way through.

Yeah, I remember 9 and 10 I kept wondering when I would get to the "world map." Exploring with the airship and other vehicles in 7 (and actually finding events, items, characters that make it worthwhile) made it feel like an actual open world.

Anyway, I'm going to read some reviews but in the meantime just picked up Mass Effect 2
if i ever had to plant a garden, it probably wouldn't last very long. i would probably forget to water it.

actually, i would probably even forget to plant the garden.

but if i did remember to plant the garden, it would probably die. unless it was a cactus garden. then it might not die.

i would probably just buy the food from the supermarket.
FF games have always been linear. Sure there are a few side quests you can go and do with a worldmap, but the main plot always followed a linear path. It just feels more constricted with no world map.
I dont even mind the liniar deal.

I just dont see how I can play an old outdated RPG after playing Mass effect 2.

It would be like playing tribes, then having to go back to doom 2.
Final Fantasy peaked at 6 and 7, especially in terms of plot and character development (which isn't surprising since 6 and 7 have almost the same exact storyline).

FF12 was probably my favorite FF game since 7 though. I thought the MMORPG-style combat and exploration was great even though the story was boring and incoherent (Square admitted as much in an interview). I think my save file had 120+ hours after doing all the side quests.

FF13 looks like a cross between 10 and 12. I'll probably pick it up when it hits $30.
i couldn't finish lost odyssey. it seemed decent just couldn't get into it.

i did laugh when i started playing it though and MME pointed out within about 30 seconds of watching who he thought the main villian was going to be before he ever spoke a word in the first cutscene, just because that guy had the look. turns out he was right. he also predicted he would be the 2nd to last guy I'd fight in the game, i never made it far enough to confirm/deny that prediction.

I was exactly the same way. I played it for a while and enjoyed it, and I just got to the part where I think it would have gotten even better (when you get the ship thing and get to explore everywhere). Soon after I set it down and just never picked it back up. That used to be a rare thing for me to do, but now it seems more and more commonplace.

I hope I'm not losing interest in video games, because that's what it seems like.
Final Fantasy peaked at 6

This much is true.

I got bored of FFXII three quarters of the way through. FFX was more tolerable, but had a serious game-on-rails feel to it.

If I decide to repurchase a PS3, it will be for GoWIII, not this bullshit.
I won't be getting this til later this month/early April but is it true that this tune is not in there at all?

If so, that qualifies as instant fail... :\
I'm flipping a coin to decide if I buy it today or not... I could just wait but I cycle through MW2, Civ, and I'm already playing through Mass Effect 1 again. I think I need to spice it up by truly nerding it out in a final fantasy game.