who's left in here

i would love to have a uvalan again, but i have lost any video game mojo i ever had. it would end up just getting together in a hotel, then feeling weird about doing the stupid things we used to do.

also: hi to all you guys checking in. i hope your lives are personally fulfilling and that you all are continuing to pursue and find happiness. :wave:

I feel weird anytime I post here. Feels good man.
I still post here, but rarely. I check the treads of interest, but mostly shake my head and silently weep for future generations of neckbeard bun wearing skinny jean soy boys who post here.
I mean what more could you ask for in a forum when theres the mentally ill garcias shitting all over the place and a different mentally ill guy who makes at least 3 smurf accounts every day to shit all over the place etc etc

I beg your pardon.

"I" am NOT mentally ill.
True, 'me' and my family went thru a sad sad thing back then.
That shit is not my 'thing.
All in all, the Court understood, so I got a slap on the wrist, ONLY 6 years.

Are you all really that dumb?
... Like WHO only gets 6 yrs for that kind of stuff?

So, ........ l lost my family (forget that dysfunctional evil ex-wife of mine)
Lost any chance of lots of professional type jobs and PUBLIC SERVICE.
It's no fun going thru life branded.

And then having a son who is an ABOMINATION?

Rules in my household? Only one. > If it ain't right don't do it.
Him, "Damn, that covers everything."

What can one expect from someone like that throughout life?

Only 1 account by me.
I'd go get chicken wings (not Flatliners) and beer in NOVA again, but that's as close as I'll get to another UVALAN at this point. :)
Sorry I missed this thread.

With the exception of Fool, Groove, blackpeople; all our peers have gone.
I do still come here and post, with the results you see.

I hope you're doing well.
Sorry I missed this thread.

With the exception of Fool, Groove, blackpeople; all our peers have gone.
I do still come here and post, with the results you see.

I hope you're doing well.

I think you're disregarding a lot of science with this post.
Science doesn't pick and choose facts.

wat tw
reality you live in?
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Vanster so triggered by 6 posters he has alienated himself to everyone else. What else can be expected from a tax dodging woman beater?