[Whoop & Dan] Questions.


i was going to make a new thread, but this will do
would you consider yourself a bear or a twink

Popular belief is i'm a twink

on topic, do you watch shows or what and are all "hey that guy is handsome"
or is it more "hey i would like to see him naked, not just for form's sake, but because i want to touch him and touch dicks"

cuz thats crossing the line

I'm the power bottom. I generate the power.
op: Another easy test.

Question 1: Which do you want to fuck?

Answer A

Answer B

Total up your answers. If the number of A answers is greater than B answers, you are gay.
op: Another easy test.

Question 1: Which do you want to fuck?

Answer A

Answer B

Total up your answers. If the number of A answers is greater than B answers, you are gay.

You know, I'd say the majority of women would probably actually say answer B. B was my ex girlfriend's go-gay-for.
No matter how good she looks here, someone, somewhere, is sick of her shit.
thats what bitter nerdvirgins tell themselves anyways. [strike]does she still have the vcard[/strike] jk she [strike]got married[/strike] has a kid wtf

u have to pick an equally hot guy for a fair assessment of teh gay btw (yall seem to like ryan renolds)
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That chick is pretty nasty. She's a non-White. If you're a faggot, just kill yourself. The world doesn't need any more sick and twisted perverts.