who DOESN'T have Hi-Def television by now?

once you watch a lot of sports/movies in HD it's annoying to have to watch it in sd. shit just looks so much clearer and better in hd
Ummmm...you do realize what DLP is an acronym for, ...right?

Let me put this another way: My television has a 175° viewing angle. Projection televisions...don't.

thats what you're proud about?


most people watch tv from the front

i don't give a shit if i can view it from the side
I don't and have no plans to do so. I find them an extravagant waste of money.
Yep, I have a 19" RCA CRT that's been in my family for close to 20 years. It still have some velcro circles adhered to the frame from our old NES Power Glove :lol: (for the signal receiver on the TV)


However, my monitor is a 22" widescreen. Not sure if it qualifies as HD... I know nothing about HD specs and/or what they mean, sadly.
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I have a 3 year old and a 9 year old so I have more important things to spend my money on.
I spent my money on this set before my 20-month came along...

and It'll still be pumping out HD when she turns 2 and her newborn sister shows up.
thats what you're proud about?


most people watch tv from the front

i don't give a shit if i can view it from the side
You obviously don't entertain much...

that, or you all are too busy buttf*cking each other in a straight line in order to watch your projection TV in total clarity.
try watching house, dexter, the wire...

I just don't care. I did watch House for about half a season and liked it, though.

If i have free time, I'd rather spend it doing something interactive, like gaming. And I hate commercials. I HATE COMMERCIALS. Now you can say 'get a tivo' but I just don't care that much. If a show is really good, I will get the season DVDs on Netflix or something. Cheaper.

naptown said:
how is it possible to watch football in non-hd

i had to watch nd last week in standard hd so i left and went to a bar to watch it

it was that painful

I'm in the AV business and even I am not enough of a videophile to care about that. I just want to see the game as it happens.
I have hd LCD in my bedroom and DLP in my den, but I really want to get a projector in there. seems like that would be cool.
I don't. I don't watch live TV. I don't even have cable or satellite. Anything worth watching I download and watch right on my PC.
I don't and have no plans to do so. I find them an extravagant waste of money.

I have a Toshiba 36" CRT that works just fine. I also have a 13" off-brand CRT for the bedroom on rabbit ears because it's too far from the cable jack. Both display plenty of image quality for me to enjoy The Office, old game shows on GSN, and Colts games. Once those things finally crap out, I probably won't have much choice but to buy something HD, but I likely won't go for the OMG package.
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You must be pretty lonely during the Superbowl/Stanley Cup
but I likely won't go for the OMG package.
Trust me...

mine's not the OMG package by any stretch of the imagination. The TV that I have doesn't have the optimum sound package that I would like to employ.

Later, I plan on embedding 5-or-even 7.1 speakers in the walls as I increase the screen size and even suspend the panel to make more space in my tiny den.

Basically, once I convert my +450-count DVD collection over to Blue-Ray I will be ready to buy the "OMG package."

For now, I'm happy with a 42" LCD HDTV that has an "upconvert" DVD player [Toshiba HD-DVD] and my local HD 1080i cable channels.
A good friend of mine just got the HD shit and he was flipping back and forth between that and the SD, amazed at the difference. Yes, I could tell a difference, but not nearly enough to spend that much on the TV and the service. That's just digital rape.

I only own 7 DVDs anyway. But I have Netflix so technically I have billions!

And upconverting? what sort of CSI voodoo magic is that? You can create shit from nothing. Did you get the Monster cable to increase the signal quality too?!
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