[Westworld] WTF season 2

How to write for Westworld:

1. Have robot tell an anecdote about a metaphor
2. Have same robot live out said metaphor with distant look in their eyes
3. Play contemporary music in oldtimey manner
How to write for Westworld:

1. Have robot tell an anecdote about a metaphor
2. Have same robot live out said metaphor with distant look in their eyes
3. Play contemporary music in oldtimey manner

5. Make people dislike it yet keep them watching so they can point out why they don't like it every week.
Fair enough. I just don't get it anymore. The show is 90% hosts, none of which are likable or sympathetic characters, which I feel like the writers want them to be given they're the primary focus of the show. Take this previous episode for example, it was robots vs robots. Do I have a reason to care which side wins? Do I care if Delores achieves whatever her goal is? I don't know her goal, and I don't have any emotional desire to see her achieve it anyway. Do I care if Maeve finds her daughter? Nope.

I love the concept, but the execution is laughably bad at this point.
Idk last 2 episodes kicked ass. I think the first couple of episodes were confusing, but there are some many characters' stories to tell. Honestly if you don't pay attention for even like 10 seconds, your going to miss something. Love it or hate it, either way everyone likes different things.
Fair enough. I just don't get it anymore. The show is 90% hosts, none of which are likable or sympathetic characters, which I feel like the writers want them to be given they're the primary focus of the show. Take this previous episode for example, it was robots vs robots. Do I have a reason to care which side wins? Do I care if Delores achieves whatever her goal is? I don't know her goal, and I don't have any emotional desire to see her achieve it anyway. Do I care if Maeve finds her daughter? Nope.

I love the concept, but the execution is laughably bad at this point.

I disagree with you pretty strongly. Whether or not Delores achieves her goal is not the important part, but where the story is going with her is. I don't think Maeve will ever find her daughter. I think you're missing the story worrying about not caring about the individuals.

Anyways, I very much enjoy the show and it doesn't have me nitpicking it constantly. I find when I get to that point in a TV show, it's pretty much time to stop watching.
That's fine, I'm not an absolutist about it. Perhaps it will get better. But frankly I don't see how. If this was season 3 or 4, and we had a few more seasons of humans being abusive towards hosts, maybe I would develop sympathy for any of the host characters. They didn't, so I haven't. I can't even name any of the human characters on the show other than William. This whole season feels like someone said they should just make Brienne of Tarth's wandering in Book 4 into a show.
I can't even tell if they are actually sentient or if it's just more programming

It's Maeve doing the voodoo or is it just the system protecting her so she can complete her story
I can't even tell if they are actually sentient or if it's just more programming

It's Maeve doing the voodoo or is it just the system protecting her so she can complete her story

I don't think you're supposed to be able to tell yet. I certainly can't.
This is a couple weeks late, but episode three was so fucking bad that I was considering dropping the series. Walking Dead bad. It was about on par with an action scene you'd get from a CBS drama. Jesus fuck so fucking bad.

Episode four was enjoyable though. I only care about Willyum's plot line at this point and it didn't disappoint.
i was also ready to drop the series after episode 3

episode 4 wasnt good but great. really great, and i am a-ok with episodes like samurai world
The only part I enjoy is when sizemore (the skinny brit guy) trolls people

all the psuedo intellectual metaphors and existentialism gets boring fast
episode 4 wasnt good but great. really great, and i am a-ok with episodes like samurai world

Yeah we finally got to see samurai world and you find out the dude just copy/pasta'd the characters from westworld. And now Maeve has some woke Neo type shit where she controls hosts with her mind - I'm sure that'll be handy as fuck whenever she needs it.
Fair enough. I just don't get it anymore. The show is 90% hosts, none of which are likable or sympathetic characters, which I feel like the writers want them to be given they're the primary focus of the show. Take this previous episode for example, it was robots vs robots. Do I have a reason to care which side wins? Do I care if Delores achieves whatever her goal is? I don't know her goal, and I don't have any emotional desire to see her achieve it anyway. Do I care if Maeve finds her daughter? Nope.

I love the concept, but the execution is laughably bad at this point.

It really is. There was some part of me that was rooting for Delores late last season, and empathized a bit with Maeve's mission, but the character development is so awful that I just don't give a shit.
Right? Fun challenge, whenever someone says they like Westworld, ask them to name 3 non-robot characters.