[Westworld] WTF season 2

they had a pretty good plot in the season opener

humans are coming to kill robot gandhi w/ boobs. the boobs fight back.

then the story stumbled around for a while, jumping back and forth through time like a stoned lindelof re-hashing LOST arcs

until THE BATTLE OF FORT FORLORN HOPE. picking up on the can't miss thread of an action war epic centering on the inevitable robot apocalypse, dripping in budget, overflowing with media hype, on the back of a scene with GIANCARLO ESPOSITO, the show runners and producers decided to take a shotgun blast in the foot with a BATTLE scene most random youtubers could've shot and framed better
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This shit dont need no fucking plot. Just keep looking good and be entertaining, dont care if shit is crazy and silly.
I don't even remember names anymore. I want to like this show, it's very good looking with an intriguing concept. They're just making it so damn convoluted.
finally a good episode

that was wayyy more interesting than any of the dolores/maeve plot lines
What you find amusing, I find sad. If a show dives and people still watch it then there really must not be anything worth watching to replace it.

Good or bad, viewers at least have a show with high production value. So if it goes from 9-10 out of 10 to a 6-7 it's still fairly watchable compared to everything else.

It's kinda like people who play Midair. Is it funny? No, more like a tragic clown.
I have mixed feelings about this season. I really enjoyed the first season, how it played out. This season in many ways is a completely different show, but it seems to lack some of the depth of the first not only in plot but how it looks into the concept of consciousness. This season is still enjoyable on it's own right, but I don't think it measures up at a glance. Hopefully I'll change my opinion on a second watch.

The last episode was cool because of the different park but the story was almost predictable in how it would go. Everything else was on point.
The show jumps between multiple stories. Some are great and others just suck.

To give up on the show entirely would be like throwing away a six course meal because there was a fly in your soup.
What you find amusing, I find sad. If a show dives and people still watch it then there really must not be anything worth watching to replace it.

Good or bad, viewers at least have a show with high production value. So if it goes from 9-10 out of 10 to a 6-7 it's still fairly watchable compared to everything else.

It's kinda like people who play Midair. Is it funny? No, more like a tragic clown.

I dunno, I have a bunch of other shows to catch up on

though I don't really watch a ton of TV, nor game a lot
every time dolores is on screen it's like fingernails on a chalkboard

idk if it's like a fly in my soup or my soup is punching me in the face
I don't like giving up halfway through a season. I'm OCD that way. But I'm going to. Show is done.