Were you to believe that Hell actually existed...

FngrBANG said:
I'm saddened up to this point...

Some have been able to establish a perspective of being removed from God's sight--which I think is an incredible leap of understanding in one respect.

But, what exactly does it mean to be removed from God's sight?

Is it so hard to understand that people don't believe in a God. Now please, God did not put you on Earth to try and convert all the infidels that grace the TW forums, so stop making these stupid religious threads. "Why do you hate god" and "what would hell be like"
So you think God would reward those who defy him? He gives you life and all the tools to make it in life, and you reject it. I don't see why he would reward you for that.
FngrBANG said:
I'm saddened up to this point...

Some have been able to establish a perspective of being removed from God's sight--which I think is an incredible leap of understanding in one respect.

But, what exactly does it mean to be removed from God's sight?

What else do you think it means? It means to be seperated from God.

What does this mean exactly? Well that can't be answered, since we don't really have an idea of what happens to us after we die. My best guess, though, would be to say that our relationship with him is severed. We are cast out into the darkness (goodbye God's love) and live in eternity from him.
Hell is derived from the word sheol, which means "the pit" it's not supposed to be a good place hence it's name.
Kelster said:
hell = absence of love

Yup, being denied the vision of the Big Guy himself*, which for us former mortals of the Catlick persuasion is the big prize.

"Hell is derived from the word sheol, which means "the pit" it's not supposed to be a good place hence it's name."

Christ called it Gehenna, which was the burning, smouldering trash pile outside of Jerusalem. Taken litterally, being in Hell is to be stuck [strike] between the jews and muslims[/strike] in the middle east for all eternity. Yowsers. ;)

*aka the beatific vision.
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Fedaykin said:
Is it so hard to understand that people don't believe in a God. Now please, God did not put you on Earth to try and convert all the infidels that grace the TW forums, so stop making these stupid religious threads. "Why do you hate god" and "what would hell be like"

It sounds to me like you have greater difficulty with understanding the other side's view of things as opposed to any problem I have with people choosing not to believe in God.

Case in point: I don't go around telling you to "stop making those stupid #!*OMFGHI2ULOOKITMYRICERZUREGH3Y*!# threads," do I?
While I don't give a shit about the absence of God, it'll certainly be super-sweet to be rid of those who constantly prattle on about God.

Additionally, if one is being constantly tortured, after a while it would lose its edge and become mundane. Same thing with eternal happiness. Too much of anything is boring. Silly little religious folk.
mznthrope said:
While I don't give a shit about the absence of God, it'll certainly be super-sweet to be rid of those who constantly prattle on about God.
How would you know it'd be super-sweet? You're dead in your Godless little universe of non-existence...
FngrBANG said:
Just roll with this hypothetical and humor me for a second.

Surprise! You've just become aware that your consciousness (your soul, if you will) just so happens to be eternal after all! You've died. However, anything that resembles the corporeal life that you knew prior to death is now gone and you've just received some bad news--God said that you suck and that you deserve to live out eternity in Hell.

What would Hell seem like to you? Would it resemble all of those Biblical descriptions of suffering that those well-established storytellers of 2,000 years ago had described? Would it be all hot & shiz? Would you have to eat brimstone for breakfast and get flamable enemas throughout the day? Waitaminute! "Day" is a human concept! This is eternity that we're talking about here!

So tell me, what do you think that your life in Hell would resemble?

Swipe HERE----->*Would Hell be like having to read threads made by me throughout all of eternity?

I'm sure hell for me would involve being forced to be in one forum in the world, where you are the admin and we'd have to sit and listen to your rambling all day.

I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you were on satans good side(me), then its party all the time ..

Orgies of endless time baby YAY!!!!!
Feannag said:
I'm sure hell for me would involve being forced to be in one forum in the world, where you are the admin and we'd have to sit and listen to your rambling all day.

So you swiped the part that says, "Swipe HERE------>", huh?
sargonnas9 said:
What else do you think it means? It means to be seperated from God.

What does this mean exactly? Well that can't be answered, since we don't really have an idea of what happens to us after we die. My best guess, though, would be to say that our relationship with him is severed. We are cast out into the darkness (goodbye God's love) and live in eternity from him.

explain "God's love" plz
My life in hell would be like this:

No matter how many times I wipe my ass, it's still not coming off. Stuck at the toilet, eternally wiping my ass would be a proper punishment for my sins.
...and nothing to read with a mvoie playing "The English Patient" with no sound and headphones that dont work.

and the peanuts never fill you up and you have no money for a 7b dollar sandwich, but the guy next to you is drinking booze and buying sandwiches whenever they come around.

FngrBANG said:
How would you know it'd be super-sweet? You're dead in your Godless little universe of non-existence...
(Why am I doing this...?)

FngrBANG, shut the fuck up. I'm sorry you have a weak, fearful little mind that cannot comprehend the possibility of absolutely NOTHING after death, so you must hold the bible close and pray to God that you're more than just a corpse waiting to happen. If you believe in God, that's fine and dandy, but stop trying to make other people believe. What does it benefit you? Do you just want to see how bad it is on Tribalwar or what?

Be realistic. There have been religions since the beginning of man. Greek mythology being the earliest, most noteable one. They used gods and goddesses to explain things they couldn't understand, like the sun, the seasons, and of course, death. Just because you have a little book that is 90% rewritten from previous religions does not mean that there is any more weight behind it. What gives you the right to think that people who don't believe in God (including many other religions) are going to go to hell? Is that not completely asinine? Everybody on this planet is going to some version of hell according to some other religion. How about this, my religion says everybody who is not me is going to my version of hell (a day with you). So what if I made it up on the spot. 2000 years from now it could be gospel.

Get over yourself. If you want to believe in God, have fun wasting your time. Stop trying to convince other people they're doing something wrong for not being like(closed)-minded.

PS - Implying that it "doesn't hurt" to believe in God, because why should you gamble if he does exist, is the WORST LOGIC EVER. You should be FUCKING SHOT for even saying something like that in your original post. It is an absolute disgrace.