Were you to believe that Hell actually existed...

Pagy said:
really because the thread he is refering to i did not resort to name calling, but was repeatedly called stupid by sargonas because he was too stubborn to admit he was wrong.

i guess you'd rather not bother yourself with "facts" now would you? nah you'd rather just make up stuff to make yourself feel better

i call people names when they are making moronic statements, refuse to listen to throw the first stone.

:rofl: :lol: Damn search function isn't working, otherwise I'd quote from the thread. But what a load of bs :lol:

1. You called me names quite a few times in that thread.
2. As I have said, I almost never personally attack someone unless they do so first.
3. You are the one too stubborn to admit that you were wrong. Here, from http://forums.philosophyforums.com/showthread.php?t=6871&page=1&pp=25:

Originally Posted by Brunning
The paradox of an all knowing god.

If god as exists he (as a deity) will seemingly know everything.

If god knows everything then he will know what i am going to do in five years time. He know what exact action i will make in five minutes. If this is truly the case then surely there can be free will. How can i decide the opposite to the action god knows im going to take??
many people say "god knows the outcome of the dicision you will make" but if he knows the decision AND the outcome surely you can decide the contary?

Can there be free will if go is all knowing?

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Gassendi: From the fact (if it is one) that God knows what you are going to do, it does not follow that God forces you to do that thing. Presumably, if you choose to do what you do, then God knows that too. But if you choose to do what you do, then you acted freely. So even if God knows that you will choose to do something, and you do that something, it does not follow that you did not act freely.

If you choose to do X, and God knew that, then if you do X, you acted freely. Of course, if you did not, in fact do X, but did Y instead, then God could not have known that you did X, for you did not do X.

Birds: An omniscient God must exist outside of time and therefore know the beginning, end, and everything in between. We perceive events linearly, God would not. Therefore, he does not necessarily interfere with the succession of events, thoughts, actions, etc. God would not be predicting and thus confining us to these predictions. It is simply knowing.

Brunning takes up the exact same argument as you do, and Gassendi and Birds gave the answer that I basically gave you. And amazingly *fake gasp* No one ever successfully argues against their points!! Read post #53 from a guy on your said, he has a different but very interesting take on the whole thing; but yet he even accedes that understanding God's timeless attribute as meaning that he exists simultaneously at all points in time was very hard for him to grasp. Thus, even he did not give a sound response to Birds' argument.

Anyways, my point is that you still have never responded to these points I made. So keep bitching at me and yelling that I'm wrong until you're blue in the face - doesn't bother me. Until you make a sound argument against mine, I stand confident in knowing that I am correct on this argument.

Oh yeah, almost forgot:
dumbass ;)
It lies not in us to love or hate,
for will in us is overruled by fate.

The whole "Could God make a rock so heavy..." agrument is played out. Your response is not conclusive.
I like to think of hell as how it is described in the good book with the fire and brimstone and gnashing of teeth. To me, hell is a place of regret where people constantly think about their failures and how they did not live up to the expectations of God which would have gotten them into Heaven. It speaks of in the story of the rich man and Lazarus that the rich man looked into heaven from hell and saw how peaceful heaven was while he was in agonizing torment because he could not even quench his thirst.

An eternity of agonizing torment and regret would suck.
FngrBANG said:
I just wanted to know what you douchebags thought hell might feel like...were it to actually exist.

if you planned it from the start thats hillarious

all tw religion threads end up being hell