You guys are being disingenuous if you don't think most land owners on the border want protection from illegal-migrants crossing onto their land.


and if not
give 'em a choice
A quick solution to defiant landowners along the border

"...if Ms. Cavazos doesn’t want to negotiate a deal to have the wall on her property, let’s pull the line back until we reach a piece of land that can be made available and build it there. In other words, all of the property owners along the border who don’t wish to support protecting our border can be put on the other side of the wall..."
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they'll be begging for the deep state to come in and take their land when we wall em off from the country
yes govt please come onto my ranch and survey my property then take a big chunk of it and cut my ranch in half and build a wall and a road on it that would be great !! maga !!!

big govt working for the people
I'll take 'What is Eminent Domain' for 100 Alex.
Everything’s at steak: Vegan takes neighbors to court over BBQ smell

Never, ever, give in to the demands from the mentally regressive ideology. Now that he did this, he will forever be targeted.

Thankfully, the neighbors of the community have banded together and will party on the back of her insane mind. :lol:


Thousands plan mass BBQ at home of vegan who sued neighbours for cooking meat
Cilla Carden took her case to the Australian Supreme Court where her complaint was thrown out - but now a huge BBQ is planned in retaliation

Three thousand people are planning a mass BBQ at the home of a vegan who sued neighbours for cooking meat.

Australian Cilla Carden took her case to the country's Supreme Court, claiming the actions of two neighbouring families meant she was unable to go outside to her own garden.

She said she claimed they were deliberately wafting meat smells and cigarette smoke over the fence.

Ms Carden also said they were banging on walls, were incessantly bouncing basketball and trying to annoy her.

Her case was thrown out, with the court ruling that the neighbours were 'living in their backyard and their home as a a family and nothing more'.

Speaking to 9 News in Australia, neighbour Toan Vu said he had already moved the BBQ and asked his children to stop playing basketball.

But more than 3,000 people have said they are attending a Facebook event called Community BBQ for Cilla Carden.

It also has another 7,600 people who are interested in attending

The event states: "Cilla Carden has a problem with her neighbours cooking meat on their BBQ, because she’s a vegan.

"Recently taking them to the Supreme Court!

"Don’t let Cilla destroy a good old Aussie tradition, join us for a community BBQ, and help Cilla Carden GET SOME PORK ON HER FORK.

"BYO hotdog buns, p.s. NO VEGANS."

Ms Carden is said to be instructing her lawyers regarding the event planned for Saturday, October 19.

AWESOME!! Everyone in her neighborhood should BBQ every single day while she lives there.
Need help with something.

California’s Newsom signs bill allowing citizens to refuse to help a police officer
California Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, on Tuesday signed a bill that no longer requires any "able-bodied person 18 years of age or older" in the state to help an officer who requests assistance during an arrest.

The Sacramento Bee reported that the old law, the California Posse Comitatus Act of 1872, was common in the country’s early days, but Sen. Bob Hertzberg, a Los Angeles Democrat who sponsored the bill, called the old law a “vestige of a bygone era." The law was employed to help catch runaway slaves, the report said.

The old law made it a misdemeanor that carried a fine of up to $1,000 for refusing to help a police officer who requested assistance during an arrest.

The report said Newsom did not issue a statement after signing the bill.

Except... last I heard, slavery was outlawed in 1862 or, am I missing some history here? How can this 1872 law be used to capture slaves when there were none?

Or, is this yet another in a long line of attempts made by the left to virtue signal?
it seems 2b an attempt by the left to prevent the government's hired thugs from enslaving passers by 2 assist them in making wrongful arrest of ~urban youth~
Today in, WTF "tele-Vision"...

Jussie Smollett lawyers: Even if actor faked attack, it was cops’ call to investigate it so vigorously

The actor, once a star of the hit-TV series “Empire,” is making one last attempt to get a city lawsuit against him tossed out of federal court before it proceeds to trial.

Sneed learned exclusively that late Tuesday night, his attorneys filed a motion responding to the city’s claim that he should pay the city more than $130,000 to cover police overtime and other costs. The city says the costs were incurred in connection with an investigation into a report he filed claiming he was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in River North. Police later charged Smollett with staging the attack.

Attorneys for Smollett deny the actor made up the attack, and note charges were ultimately dropped by Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx.

“My client from the beginning has maintained his innocence and disputed the city’s allegations,” said William J. Quinlan, of The Quinlan Law Firm, who filed the motion. He noted that “it’s going to be very difficult for the city to prevail in making a case my client should pay for overtime for a case ultimately dismissed by the state’s attorney.

“It’s ridiculous and a stretch to require him to do so.”

But the latest court filing contends even if Smollett did make a false report, there is no way the city can assert he would have known the city would investigate — and investigate it to the extent cops did.

“We contend the city is wrong,” Quinlan said of the city’s assertion that Smollett should have known the police would log nearly 2,000 hours in overtime trying to resolve the case. “ ... The mere fact somebody filed a police report doesn’t presume the investigation will be done and certainly not to the extent of what the city is claiming.”
Barack Obama 'best US president in history,' college student poll says. Lincoln, Washington not even close.
Barack Obama was the "best U.S. president in history," college students overwhelmingly declared in a new poll.

The College Pulse poll surveyed 8,112 students to determine the outcome, and Obama nabbed 1,744 — or 22 percent — of the votes.

Obama's vote total far exceeded that of the president who came in second, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who received 1,140 — or 14 percent — of the votes.

But what about Abraham Lincoln, who ended slavery and persevered though the Civil War, keeping America intact? Well, he wasn't too far behind Roosevelt, nabbing 1,121 votes.

George Washington — our first president who guided the United States through the Revolutionary War — got a little more than half of Obama's votes (931).

Ronald Reagan: 530 votes (7 percent)
Theodore Roosevelt: 490 votes (6 percent)
John F. Kennedy: 439 votes (6 percent)
George W. Bush: 124 votes (2 percent)
Thomas Jefferson: 107 votes (1 percent)
Bill Clinton: 75 votes (1 percent)
Jimmy Carter: 67 votes (1 percent)
Richard Nixon: 31 votes (0 percent)
George H.W. Bush: 4 votes (0 percent)

Despite President Donald Trump not exactly being a favorite on today's decidedly left-wing college campuses, he managed to garner 489 votes — just one behind Theodore Roosevelt — for 6 percent.

Wonder how they feel about Stalin? Oh... Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’
Not sure as to where or when this happened. Found it on twitter but not on JewTube so i cannot embed it.

Cliffs: "Armed perp (see machete on ground) disarms female police officer, gets a shot off at her. When the police cars show up, the perp fires on one of the vehicles before they turn the perp into swiss cheese."

Video here.

Gud boi dindu nuffin turning his life around. Time to riot and protest and show pictures of him at 2 years old.
Not sure as to where or when this happened. Found it on twitter but not on JewTube so i cannot embed it.

Cliffs: "Armed perp (see machete on ground) disarms female police officer, gets a shot off at her. When the police cars show up, the perp fires on one of the vehicles before they turn the perp into swiss cheese."

Video here.


but he had his hands up...
oh, he just forgot to put the gun down
i think he broke the 5 second rule where if you have a gun in your hands
for less than 5 seconds it doesn't count
Except... last I heard, slavery was outlawed in 1862 or, am I missing some history here? How can this 1872 law be used to capture slaves when there were none?

Or, is this yet another in a long line of attempts made by the left to virtue signal?

slavery was never legal in cali either
A while ago I thought I coudn't be more embarrassed to be Swedish.
"Hold my beer", this professor said.
Swedish Behavioral Scientist Suggests Eating Humans to Summit News

OTOH I see this as a successful spin to get 15 minutes of fame because it has been all over the news and social media (in Sweden) since yesterday. The professor isn't promoting cannibalism per se. He talks about how we are squeamish when it comes to eating certain things and that those things vary with culture.

I wouldn't eat my kitty, my doggo or my favorite pony unless I was on the brink of death by starvation. Same goes for larvae. However, if anyone has been to the Taipei snake market (I have) they will find anything that doesn't answer when you say "Hello" and a few things more offered as food. Dogs, cats, snakes, birds, bugs, you name it.

The dear professor probably has a new study that he wants funding for and what is better than some free publicity. Anyone who knows a bit about PR knows that an editorial, a few seconds on the TV news and some social media buzz is worth big money.

Still, it's eewww.
By behavioral scientist
you mean another psychologist/anthropologist
making shit up about why we do what we do?