
so it is a punishment

diversity isn't our solution.......it isn't our strength







SOUTH AFRICA: Boy With Down Syndrome, 13, Raped By School Staff Member - National File

well at least they are still good at something

and that is all that really matters i am told

I have to admit this made me :lol:

man we all know a few of these

there might even be one or ten on this forum

i know one boomer who is such a Zionist he agreed with that rabbi he listens to, about Christianity, that the new testament might be anti-Semitic

and that's as good as it gets

3 felonies a day, folks. Each and every one of you does it without even knowing it.

the smart ones apparently know and don't care

try to push it up to 10 a day before they get caught

or anyone can convict them

that seems to be par for our political and deep state system of governance right now anyways
Lets get some enrichment in here

A security guard has been jailed for at least two-and-a-half years for indecently assaulting a three-year-old at a shopping centre in Sydney's west.
Mohammad Al Bayati was caught on CCTV holding the hand of the girl as he led her away from a playground in DFO at Homebush in December 2016.

The jury convicted him of all three charges.

Judge Pickering also took into account his 'tragic' upbringing.
Al Bayati told a psychologist he and his brother had been kidnapped and threatened with beheading in Iraq, had been shot in the foot and were unwanted refugees in Iran before they came to Australia illegally by boat.

The court heard he had no criminal history and until the offence had made, "the absolute best of his opportunity."
With time already served, Al Bayati will be eligible for parole in July 2021.

They should just finish the job and chop his head off this time.

Luckily some sanity has prevailed and he will be deported after serving his sentence. Why waste the money though? Just deport the fucker now and have done with it, he is here illegally, get Iraq to lock him up instead.
Lets get some enrichment in here

They should just finish the job and chop his head off this time.

Luckily some sanity has prevailed and he will be deported after serving his sentence. Why waste the money though? Just deport the fucker now and have done with it, he is here illegally, get Iraq to lock him up instead.

Anyone wonder why these fuckers are not wanted in their own country? We get the degenerates.
Lets get some enrichment in here

They should just finish the job and chop his head off this time.

Luckily some sanity has prevailed and he will be deported after serving his sentence. Why waste the money though? Just deport the fucker now and have done with it, he is here illegally, get Iraq to lock him up instead.

good god

yeah we tried that and still try that in the USA

problem is that they either don't go to prison back where we deport them

or they come back faster than it takes to ship them there

so we just suck up the bill of incarceration and fill our prisons with a majority of these kinds of people

entire thing fukin sucks........by design

and apparently as a punishment for our prior sins I am told

since the diversity is our strength argument is now dissolved
And the hits with that case keep coming in

"[Mohammad Hassan Al Bayati] exposed his genitals and touched the girl’s underwear during the 11 minutes ... in the stairwell."

"The judge considered Al Bayati's brutal upbringing in Iraq"

Sentence: 4.5 Years.
Eligible for Parole: 2.5 Years.


Friendly Russian Bot on Twitter:

Absolutely fucking insane.........the bad joke doesn't end

it just begins all over again


only ride they should be going on
“She was a white girl. She deserved it because us minorities have been through slavery,” Temar Bishop, 23, allegedly said to someone who witnessed the bloodied 20-year-old woman after the assaults, according to a criminal complaint.

“This is what they used to do to us. This is what they did to us during slavery. They used to beat us and whip us.”

NOT GUILTY the White and (((FELLOW WHITE))) cucks of the JURY WILL SAY
it's better w/ a not guilty verdict b/c it's easier for tribalwar gaming news racial holy war death squads to find him and do the needful if he's out on the streets