Can you imagine if one of our soldiers started going fist to cuff with a poor hungry African migrant child...
CNN would explode.
That was a child right ? they were all women and children correct?

As I've said before there are plenty of Mexican people ready to stand by President Donald Trump. It's as divided here as it is in the U.S.
the responsible versus the irresponsible
the free shit army versus the hard-working army
global socialism versus National capitalism

As long as the United States has bad immigration laws and have open borders, and everyone can pass through Mexico straight into the United States easily...then Mexico wasn't going to try to stop everybody passing through their countries going straight to the states. but if we really secure our borders and change our laws, Mexico is going to step up cuz they don't want illegals stopping in their country any more than we want them stopping in ours.

African (((migrants))) start attacking the Mexican military in an attempt to get to the USA.

Mr. Trump Jr. has a new book coming out you can pre-order.
The United States, Mexico, and Israel of course
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Mexico stopping the foreign flood of illegals (from other countries, not Mexicans who send back money) is our best and apparently only hope of immigration control now.




Normalcy at its finest. This ^ is the left. This is what they are FORCING on the rest of society. Either accept their opinion of reality as fact or something is wrong with YOU.

I actually feel really bad for her 'friends'. I have an old Asian female acquaintance who turned out to be gay. No big deal; shit happens. One day, about 6 or 7 years ago, she started posting a bunch of race-related things against white people. I was taken back by it because she never faced racism growing up where we did but here she was posting shit that would've otherwise got her a ban if it was directed to any other race than white and it continued to get worse.

She 'lost' all her old friends and pretty much went awol with her new racist totalitarian people, exactly like this Saria did.

Normalcy in la-la regressiveland.

if you don't accept their shit

all of it.......unconditionally and apparently forever

then you just admit to being racist i am told


Pennsylvania man's 'gunlike hand gesture' toward neighbor was a crime, court rules
A Pennsylvania court ruled Tuesday that making a "gunlike hand gesture" is a crime after a man made the hand motion during an argument with his neighbor — an act which reportedly made several nearby residents nervous and prompted a call to police.

Stephen Kirchner, 64, made the gesture toward his neighbor in Manor Township in June 2018, according to surveillance video. Kirchner, walking alongside a female neighbor, "stopped, made eye contact with [the male neighbor] and then made a hand gesture at him imitating the firing and recoiling of a gun," according to court documents.

The action made one neighbor feel "extremely threatened" and he called 911. Another neighbor said she saw Kirchner “put his finger up like he was going to shoot [the neighbor]", "insecure," prompting her to call 911.
another angry old man off the streets

hope they red notice him

cael just trolling, y'all

because we all know he's smarter than everyone on this forum, vanster told us.

so we know for certain that cael truly believes the opposite, and that arresting someone for making a gun with his fingers is totally stupid and insane.

thanks cael.
Havax would be the first to fall victim to trumps red flag law

Fits the old angry christian stereotype, hell get phoned in by a maga bro as soon as trump passes this :boogie: