the fetus from my abortion thread 13 years ago sent me a postcard thanking me for doing my part to help climate change and then urged me to import a brown person to do the job they were meant to fill

twit: Pew Research Fact Tank
White men had higher median hourly earnings ($21) than every other racial or ethnic and gender subgroup except one: Asian men, according to an analysis from 2016 #LaborDay2019 https://pewrsr.ch/2Zm7e8Y


Gotta figure out a way to shit on white males even though Asian males earn more...
Today on, What in the Fuck?

Canadian Senate Security Apologizes After Calling Man's Pro-Oil Shirt Offensive
The security service for the Canadian Senate has apologized to an energy industry executive who complained in an open letter about being forced to turn his T-shirt inside out during a tour of the building after a security official said it might offend some people.

The Calgary Herald reports William Lacey, chief financial officer of Steelhead Petroleum, was on tour of the Senate with his family wearing a T-shirt that said “I love Canadian oil” on the front and “The world needs more Canadian energy” on the back.

According to Lacey, “The guard looked at me and he said, ‘Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to remove your shirt because some people may be offended by the message,’” after which he invited Lacey to either turn the T-shirt inside out or leave the premises.
An agent of the State, a School cop, handcuffs and screams at autistic 8-year-old
An eight year old autistic boy in Southlake, Texas became agitated in his guidance counselor’s office.

At one point the child became fidgety and took out a jump rope (that had been provided to him by the school). Amazingly enough, the counselor felt threatened by this and asked the school cop to come into the office.

So the cop handcuffed the child, screamed in his face, and mocked his frustration. The cop also claimed that the child had a weapon, which he described as “homemade nunchucks”. This ‘weapon’ turned out to be the jump rope that the child was twirling.

When the parents came to retrieve their child, the officer continued to harass the parents, sarcastically telling them, “great parenting.”

Meanwhile... behind the scenes: Banning Home Schooling: 7 Shocking Ways Politicians and Judges Are Hurting Kids, Parents and Education
#4: Accuse parents who home school of being more likely to abuse their children than parents who send their children to public schools.

#5: Promote the idea that only the state can create a safe learning environment.

Your chillren are much better off in Statist schooling. Much, much safer too.
A Man Spent 82 Days in Jail on Meth Charges. The Meth Was Actually Honey.
Government incompetence made an innocent man spend months in jail and lose both of his jobs.

Leon Haughton, a legal green card holder from Jamaica who has lived in Maryland for almost 10 years, arrived at Baltimore-Washington International Airport on December 29 following his yearly pilgrimage back home. U.S. Customs and Border Protection detained him. For what, he wasn't sure.

Maryland Transportation Authority Police then arrested him, telling him that the bottles in his bag labeled "honey" had tested positive for methamphetamine. A police dog sniffed Haughton's bag raising suspicion that he had drugs, and a field test at the airport yielded positive results for meth. He spent the next 82 days in jail.

Except the bottles really were full of honey. Maryland State Police lab test results confirmed that on January 17, and prosecutors dropped three felony drug counts six days later.

Yet he stayed in jail. The state was still pursuing a misdemeanor possession charge, the lab results notwithstanding, because Maryland's lab is not fully equipped to test liquids. On January 24, Haughton and his lawyer sought his immediate release on bail. It was denied.

Citing the K-9 hit and the positive field test, prosecutors maintained the lesser charge while law enforcement sent the bottles to a Homeland Security lab in Georgia for more testing.

Normally, Haughton would've been released on his own recognizance since the charges levied against him had been whittled down to one misdemeanor. But the original felony counts triggered an active Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer—so if the state released him, the feds could arrest and deport him. Haughton's legal saga took place in the midst of the winter's lengthy government shutdown, meaning that no one could get in touch with the agency to have the detainer lifted.

"The ICE detainer is really prohibitive," said Laura M. Robinson, a U.S. District Court judge for Anne Arundel County, during Haughton's third bail review hearing on February 5, according to The Washington Post. "I'm kind of up against it on the ICE detainer."

Haughton would not go home until March 21, when the new lab results came in and the state finally dropped the remaining charge.

The case highlights a heap of inane government incompetence.

Go Go Government protection.

Liquid honey meth is all the new rage.
MSNPC Calls Republican’s Belief in Only Two Genders ‘Incendiary’


To be a mainstream Republican means to offend women, LGBT community

MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing referred to a Louisiana Republican's belief that there are only two genders as "incendiary" on Friday.

Jansing and her panel addressed the GOP's relationship with women and the LGBT community, in the aftermath of the Log Cabin Republicans, a national LGBT group, endorsing President Donald Trump for a second term.

"We've got an important question now," Jansing told viewers. "What does it mean to be a mainstream Republican?

"In Louisiana, the Republican candidate for governor, Ralph Abraham, is out with a new TV ad this week making incendiary comments about gender," she added.

Rep. Ralph Abraham (R., La.), who is seeking the GOP nomination to challenge Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D.), released a TV ad where he laid out a series of his conservative positions, among them his medical assertion there are only two genders.

"Here's the truth," he said. "Life begins at conception. Government is too big. Our taxes are too high. And our car insurance is too expensive. President Trump is doing a great job. Facts matter more than feelings. The Second Amendment is self-explanatory. And as a doctor, I can assure you there are only two genders."

He Went Shooting With His Mom. Now He Can’t Return To School.

A Colorado teen has been told he cannot return to school until authorities hold a “threat assessment hearing” after he went target shooting with his mother. Nate Evans, a junior at Loveland High School in Loveland, Colorado actually got a visit from police after he posted video of his plinking with his mom Justine according to the Colorado 2nd Amendment group Rally For Our Rights.
A report had come in to the police department about the video and they were told Nate was a threat. After showing the videos to the police officers and explaining that they’d simply gone on a mother-son outing to train with their legally owned firearms, the police stated that they had done nothing illegal and were well within their rights. They also determined Nate was not a threat to himself or anyone else, and went on their way.

But it wasn’t over.​

Unfortunately, even after police determined that there was nothing nefarious about a mom taking her son out for some firearms training, the school district wasn’t convinced.
Justine immediately contacted the school assuming she could easily clear things up, especially since the police had already assessed the situation and realized no one had done anything wrong or made any threats. She was wrong. The school not only refused to provide her with more information about the “threat”, but they refused to provide Nate with schoolwork so he doesn’t get behind. A “threat assessment hearing” has been scheduled for Thursday morning at 10am at the school admin building where Justine will be allowed to defend her son against SEVEN school officials who will be in attendance to, as she was told, “make their case”. Make their case of what? That Nate’s outing with his mother to train with her firearms somehow makes him a danger to the school?​

This is insane, but it’s also a pretty clear abuse of the program “Safe 2 Tell”, which is designed to allow students to report potential threats to school safety. As Lesley Hollywood with Rally for Our Rights points out, the way the program currently works almost invites abuse.
I spoke with Justine, as well as two different attorneys who specialize in Second Amendment issues. The bottom line is the school is legally within their rights at this time. According to the attorneys, the school has a protocol that must be followed when a report of a threat comes in through Safe 2 Tell or other means, even if the report is completely false and there is nothing parents or students can legally do about it, even with a lawyer. If the student is charged or further action is taken, that changes. This is why students have dubbed Safe 2 Tell as “Safe 2 Swat”, referencing the act of “swatting“, a criminal harassment tactic of deceiving an emergency service into sending a police and emergency service response team to another person’s address.​

Hopefully after today’s hearing Nate will be allowed back in school, he and his mom will receive an apology from the school district, and nothing like this will ever happen again. I’m guessing only one of those three things is really likely to happen, however. There will likely be no apology, and I’m almost certain that situations like this will come up again. Officials in Colorado need to take a serious look at the Safe 2 Tell protocols and make some significant changes to ensure that kids like Nate and parents like Justine don’t have to deal with bureaucratic baloney like this in the future.

Banning Home Schooling: 7 Shocking Ways Politicians and Judges Are Hurting Kids, Parents and Education
#4: Accuse parents who home school of being more likely to abuse their children than parents who send their children to public schools.

#5: Promote the idea that only the state can create a safe learning environment.