[weed] surreal encounter with law enforcement

i just take a 80% or higher vape pen top and throw it on my reuleaux at 6.5W. its basically like taking dabs. almost no smell and super potent. toss it in my backback in the same pocket as the nicotine vape oil, 3 batteries, tons of usb thumb drives, cables, and various other random shit and it just goes through the scanner unnoticed.

i had a lighter in my bag for years after i quit cigarettes that i had no idea was in there. probably went through security 100 times and TSA never mentioned it. i take a full size thing of tooth paste cause i'm gangster like that. larger than their 'allowed amount of liquid' and not once has anyone said a damn thing.

these people are completely useless at their job. or perhaps the fact is that if they were expected to be more than window dressing for societal fears the slow down it would cause the airline industry and all other industries that rely on air travel being fast/efficient would be catastrophic.

i was 'randomly' selected for additional screening once, think it was leaving SD. I was like ok w/e wtf is this. Guy pulls me over to this little thing that looks like those take a number things. He grabs the next 'number' and swabs the palm of my hand. I presumed swabbing for bomb residue or something, asked him, he confirmed a swab for bomb residue.

so if you were just making a bomb and about to go through TSA, be sure to wash up or you might get randomly selected and your palm swabbed for bomb residue.

I smoke weed a lot but I sure as hell don't travel with anything in my pockets and I would never smoke weed with a total stranger in an airport.

I get blasted before I get there and I hide my shit in my checked baggage

this guy gets it

Medicinal cannabis: Father of 5yo Katelyn Lambert gave daughter drug out of necessity, court told

The father of a poster-child for medicinal cannabis was in tears as police confiscated the drug from their home, according to a video shown in court as he answered charges of cultivation and possession....


The prosecution argued there were alternative and legal treatments available to Mr Lambert, while the magistrate also questioned whether home-produced cannabis oil had the same effectiveness as oil produced under clinical conditions.

But paediatrician Dr Adam Buckmaster told the court that he saw Katelyn one month after her father started administering her with cannabis oil containing an extract known as Cannabidiol (CBD).

He described "a significant improvement" in her condition and said: "I believe these improvements could only be attributed to CBD."

Dr Buckmaster said she was "happy, interactive and social".


Outside court, Mr Lambert said before taking medicinal cannabis, Katelyn was "doing a whole lot more dribbling and jerking" and she "wasn't enjoying her life".

"But look at her today, she's having a good life," he said.

"We know she's been damaged by the seizures prior to medicinal cannabis but since she's been on it she's just been doing really well."

Katelyn's grandfather, Barry Lambert, said because of medicinal cannabis Katelyn had not been hospitalised nor had she experienced seizures for the past 20 months.

He said the CBD that was found in the cannabis plant, had assisted greatly and "she is clear as a bell".

(seriously, do they put any thought into the thumbnail?)
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i just take a 80% or higher vape pen top and throw it on my reuleaux at 6.5W. its basically like taking dabs. almost no smell and super potent. toss it in my backback in the same pocket as the nicotine vape oil, 3 batteries, tons of usb thumb drives, cables, and various other random shit and it just goes through the scanner unnoticed.

i had a lighter in my bag for years after i quit cigarettes that i had no idea was in there. probably went through security 100 times and TSA never mentioned it. i take a full size thing of tooth paste cause i'm gangster like that. larger than their 'allowed amount of liquid' and not once has anyone said a damn thing.

these people are completely useless at their job. or perhaps the fact is that if they were expected to be more than window dressing for societal fears the slow down it would cause the airline industry and all other industries that rely on air travel being fast/efficient would be catastrophic.

i was 'randomly' selected for additional screening once, think it was leaving SD. I was like ok w/e wtf is this. Guy pulls me over to this little thing that looks like those take a number things. He grabs the next 'number' and swabs the palm of my hand. I presumed swabbing for bomb residue or something, asked him, he confirmed a swab for bomb residue.

so if you were just making a bomb and about to go through TSA, be sure to wash up or you might get randomly selected and your palm swabbed for bomb residue.


wtf you flying out of? Oakland has stopped everyone going in for everything. I just flew through there a couple weeks ago and the group of 7 ppl that got to the scanner, 5 where stopped to be double scanned and have their shit gone through..

Same at DFW
You encounter a random pothead and he just happens to be a felon.

What a shocker.

You must be fun at party's :harambe:

ps never admit to a cop that you're high if you get busted with someone who you smoked with. I've never done it and they told me that they can't arrest me for being high.

I didn't believe them because cops WILL and CAN lie to you. There is no law against that.
i find it pretty disgusting that u willingly shared a blunt w/ a complete stranger criminal out on bail

why didnt you just lick cocaine off his still bleeding asshole

bug chaser
I get swabbed for explosives often. I recon it's cause I look innocent, so the immigrant can let him fellow hostiles through while wasting time on me. They do multiple locations here. Cuffs on your shirt/pants/lapel, bit here, bit there. Sometimes I've carried a letter explaining I could have explosives trace, but have never returned positive so haven't need to pull it out.

THC vape sounds like fun to try.
The prosecution argued there were alternative and legal treatments available to Mr Lambert, while the magistrate also questioned whether home-produced cannabis oil had the same effectiveness as oil produced under clinical conditions.

this...this is the problem

they have finally figured out they need to monetize 'illegal' drugs. I have no idea why it took them so damn long to wake up, I guess it's because they finally forced everyone to stop smoking and drinking due to excessive taxes and they have lost the income stream.